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Kenma in a skirt😳💖 Just thought I'd bless your eyes 
Kenma's POV


"Kenma why don't you go wait in the car for a bit, ok?" My grandma asked me as she let go of my hand. Usually when my dad was away on his trips my grandma would come over to help my mom but nowadays they argue more then anything. I rushed out to the car to avoid the fighting.

Eventually my grandma came back out, she looked very mad and was practically stomping to the car. I sat in the passenger seat with my seatbelt on ready to go, she got in the driver side and slammed the door. I was only 6 so she'd usually tell me to go sit in the back but today she didn't say anything or maybe she forgot to, either way I was happy to sit in the adult seat.

"Why don't we go out for a bit, what do ya say?" She sighed and put a smile on her face, I could tell if was forced dad wore that face a lot. I nodded excitedly already thinking of places to go. "Where too?"

"Let's go out to eat!" I shouted throwing my arms up in excitement, my parents rarely took me out to eat so whenever grandma came over we usually went.

"Ok," She laughed and started the car. "What do you want for breakfast then?" She said while looking at me.

"Blueberry pancakes."

~Flashback over~

Why am I remembering that now? My last day with grandma. I still remember it like it was yesterday, we were out all day and I fell asleep in the car. Next thing I knew I woke up in my bed and I never saw my grandma again. My mom didn't seem to care she only pretended to care when my dad was around, he cried a lot for his mom. She wasn't dead though, at least that's what I was told, plus there was never a funeral or wake or anything.

When I finished getting changed I went back to Kuroo's room pretty much knowing what I wanted for breakfast. I pushed open the door and saw him sitting on his bed texting on his phone. He seemed rather annoyed but I decided to not ask about it. Next to his bed was a nightstand where something caught my eye. A psp. My eyes visible light up at the sight of the gaming console. I heard a snicker from the bed.

"You wanna play?" I nodded my head excitedly and ran over to sit beside him, he handed me to console and I looked through the games on it. He had quite a few and many I was familiar with. I looked over to him and he looked up at me with a smile. I smiled back before laying the console down on my lap to speak.

'Can we have blueberry pancakes?' I asked him and he simple nodded in agreement before pulling out his phone, I'm assuming to text him mom. Only seconds later a ding went off.

"She'll start them now." He said with a huge grin. I don't think I've had them since that day so I was rather happy to have them again with Kuroo. Part of me didn't want to eat, I just wanted to go back to sleep with Kuroo next to me, but I was hungry so it was going to have to wait. Plus there's always tonight. I played the game for a bit more before Kuroo interrupted me. "Hey Kenma," I paused my game and looked up at him. "If you don't mind me asking can you tell me about your mom." Immediately I tore my eyes away from him, I didn't want him to see how scared I was, it made me feel kinda pathetic. However, I knew hiding things from him at this point was futile since he already knew so much.

'She hits me sometimes.' I responded trying my best to give away as little information as possible.

"Sometimes? Kenma you're all black and blue." He leaned over and examined me. He then gently touched my neck which I knew was extremely bruises. "And this looks like she tried to strangle you. I want to help but I need to know what's going on." He backed away and looked at me firmly. I couldn't deny his help at this point plus I'd much rather stay with Kuroo and his family then go back to mine.

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