Chapter 1 : A fight a bit different

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Ink POV~

Error and I are fighting once again.

Once again, we both ended up wounded. I sigh and tiredly open a portal, since the AU is too damaged to be saved. I will take care of that when I will have the magic for it. I teleport home and groan on my couch.

I hear someone knock at my door. I get up tiredly and open it.

Ink : Yeah ? What is it...? Fresh ? And what is that ?

I notice in Fresh's arms a tiny form, sleeping. It seems to be a babybones, with black bones. Weird, I feel a connection through my magic to them.

Fresh : Yo, Ink. Well... I will explain to you, but we should get inside. Can we go to your room ? You seem pretty tired there, buddy.

Alright, he isn't speaking his insupportable usual language... That must be really serious there. I nod, let him enter, close the door and go upstairs with him trailing me.

I lay on my bed, tired and turned to him, still holding that baby.

Fresh : Alright... Well, that kid is... your son, I guess.

Ink : Huh ?

Fresh : You were fighting with Error, not so long ago, right ?

Ink : Yeah.

Fresh : Well, I saw it, but unlike you two, I noticed that at one point, after the colliding of your magics, something was forming. Since you were getting away from it, I stayed to see what was happening and he formed. So I took him away from the fight, so Error wouldn't see him.

Ink : So... he is born from my magic and Error's one ?

Fresh : It seems.

Ink : ...

I open my arms, so he would give me the child. He understands and does it. The child seems overjoyed when I hold him. I guess he too feels that magic connection, huh ? He inherited one of my eyes, since he has a star in it.

Ink : ... I'm not sure to be fit to take care of a child... not with how busy I am, and how forgetful I tend to be... And all those fights I get into as the protector of Au and a Star Sans...

I look at that baby with a sad smile. He pats my skull. Does he want to cheer me up ? How sweet.

Ink : ...

Fresh : I could help ya. I mean, I brought him because I knew you would still watch after him, like you watch over millions beings. But you could use a little help, this time. And you most likely won't get it from Error.

Ink : You would help ? You ?

Fresh : Yeah. I mean, that my duty as Error's bro.

Ink : You aren't brother, Fresh. I know that much.

Fresh : Ahaha. Anyway, do you want my help ?

Ink : ... Yeah. Don't tell anyone about Error being the father... We are going to stick to it : I experienced my magic and accidently created that baby. It seems his bones are made of ink, so we can brush his black bones as being the result of it... Alright ?

Fresh : Alright, buddy. Well, I think you should get some sleep, Ink. I will take care of the lil buddy while you take a good nap.

I nod. Fresh softly takes the baby and gets out of my room. I will need to find him a name. Because of how exhausted I am, I fell asleep right away.

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