Chapter 6 : Truce.

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Ink POV~

I am once again fighting with Error. It has been two years since PJ's birth. We are both gravely injured.

Ink : Why... don't we make a truce ? Don't you get bored... of always fighting with me...?

Error : Huh ? And what do you plan to do ?

Ink : I don't know... But don't you want to ?

Error : ... If we make one... here is the condition. No more creation, no more destruction. Is that fine by you ? I won't destroy AU, but you aren't allowed to create one.

Ink : ... ... Alright.

I nod and look at him dead in the socket. He nods to me. Then we see Dream get here.

Ink : Can you heal us both ? We made a truce.

Dream : Huh ? Alright.

He heals me first then goes to Error.

Error : ...

He leaves. I got up with Dream.

Dream : Do you think he will keep his words ?

Ink : I dunno.

I go back home and receive a hug from PJ. I smile softly at my little angel.

PJ : Mommy !!!

Yeah, I tried to get him calling me "dad", "father" or anything, but he sticks to "mommy". So I gave up.

Ink : Hello, PJ. I will maybe spend more time with you, from now on.

PJ : Really ? Cool !!

I smile at that sweet child.

Days went on.

Today, I am training with Dream. He launches at me three arrows at the same time, but I block it with an ink wall.

We finish exhausted. We went all out.

Blue : Dream, Ink, I got us drink... Guys, look here, please.

We turn to see Blue holding a trail with our precious drink... and a baby between him and us.

Ink : Shit, here we go again.

Dream : ... ... I am feeling a magical connection to that child...

Ink : Most likely because he is born from our magic fusing together.

I get up and take that child. He giggles and looks at me with his starry eyes.

Ink : ... What are we going to do with him, now ?

Blue : Let think about it inside.

We nod and get inside with the baby. I drink my water and we talk about what to do with the child, and how to name him... when we hear a crash coming from my art room.

We rush there, to find the baby, giggling holding a palette roller.

Dream : Ink, he stole one of your tools.

Ink : No. That is not mine... I think he created it with his magic.

I look around and find mine. We all turn to look at the baby.

Ink : Why not calling him Palette Roller ? Since it seems he likes it.

The child seems overjoyed by my idea, so the others accept to go with it. I grab him and bring him back to the living room.

Ink : I think for now, he will live with me... Since I have a baby room, and so Fresh will watch over him with PJ.

We agree on that, and come back to Fresh and PJ sleeping on the couch. I bring Palette to the baby room. At least he likes it.

I stretch.

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