Chapter 9 : And years go by.

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Ink POV~

Like the title said, years gone, since that incident. Error was a bit uneasy for some time. Right now, we are all planning PJ's birthday.

Palette is decorating with Dream and Cross. Fresh and PJ got out for a walk. Something about nice cream.

Right now ? I am going around AU to find ideas for gifts for them. I take note of ideas that could be interesting and also check AUs are fine, so I will be able spending time with the children.

While doing it, I see Error from afar, in Outertale, knitting. I decide to ignore him, because I have better things to do.

Once I am satisfied with my ideas for gifts for PJ, I smile and giggle to myself.

? : Did you become crazy since last time ?

I turn around to see Error crossing his arms.

Ink : What do you want ?

Error : And what prank do you plan ?

Ink : I am not planning a prank. I am planning a birthday party.

Error : A party ? From what I remember, the closest birthday among your friends would be Dream. And he was born in december. Which is 3 months from now.

Ink : Why does it matter for you ? You became quite curious about my life, since 8 years ago, now that I think of it ? What, do you love me ?

Error : What ? No way.

Ink : Alright, if you say so. Anyway, I am in a hurry, so bye !

I go through a portal.

Error POV~

Me ? In love with him ? Seriously, he takes his dreams for reality. I teleport back to Nightmare's castle... and see the one person I hate the most, after Fresh.

Error : What are you doing here ?

Lust : Hello, Error darling~ I am here for Horror.

Error : Urgh... Seriously ?

Dust : Yup. They are dating.

Killer : Sup, Lust !

Killer goes to Nightmare's office, carrying his favorite coffee mug.

Horror : Heya ! Lusty, you are already here !!

Horror rushes to give Lust a bear hug. I guess Lust will die from it, yes ! ... Why is he still alive ?

Lust : Horror always holds back his strength with me. Sorry to disappoint you, Error~ ... Oh, also. Do one of you know what birthday the Star Sans are planning ?

We all turn to him.

Lust : Oh, you didn't know about the birthday, huh ?

Error : Because you do ?

Lust : I didn't get everything, but it seems there is a link to a young child or something...

Horror : Huh ? But none of them is even in a relationship.

Dust : Well, Dream and Cross could, but I don't think they would be to that point yet.

Killer : They aren't.

All : Oh, welcome back.

Lust : How do you know ?

Killer : Sometimes, I go with Nightmare to attack them. And while gathering info, I learn about the fact Cross won't do anything before marriage. And he is still afraid to propose to Dream, so.

All : Oh.

Killer : But isn't Fresh in a couple with Ink ?

Horror : Seriously ?

I groan in annoyance and Lust looks at me weirdly.

Lust : ... Error, why does it seem to bother you so much ?

Error : I hate both of them. So I don't want to imagine a child of those two... Urgh... what a nightmare...

Killer : Yeah, that would be a killer.

Except me, everyone laughs.

Dust : ... But are you sure Lust ?

Lust : Not really, but I heard they hang out a lot together, and always seem to talk happily. Especially Ink.

For some reason it upset me even more.

Killer : ...

Lust : ... Error...

Error : Hm ?

Lust : I will ask something frankly. Are you in love with Ink ?

Error : W-What ?! No way, why would I ?

Lust : ...

Killer : ... With how much you are blushing right now, allow us to doubt you.

Error : H-huh ?

Lust : Well, can't blame ya. Inky dear is quite the cutie... and so good in bed too~

Error : What ?!

I try to tie him up, but Killer and Dust save the thing, while Horror seems as upset as me.

Lust : So, you see Error. For Horror, I get why he is upset at my little lie, right now... but why are you ?~

Horror : Lie ?

I blush.

Error : I-I am upset b-because... huh...

Lust : Because you are in love with Ink, but you refuse to admit it.

Error : No, stop saying that.

I leave, upset, but still hear them talk.

Horror : You really didn't do it with Ink, right ?

Lust : There is no way. Ink is asexual. He doesn't like it.

Killer : Seriously ?

Lust : Yeah. He told me once. I like hanging out with him, because I see him a lot, with how much Error tries to destroy my AU. So I know a lot.

I am away enough to not make out whatever they are saying now. I get in my room and groan. After sometime, I grab an Ink plush I did.

Error : There is no way I could be in love with my opposite... Right ?

I hug the plush and go to sleep.

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