Chapter 15 : Meeting PJ.

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Ink POV~

It has been a month since the meeting to discuss what to do with Killer and Nightmare.

Right now, I draw humming to myself in the middle of the doodlesphere when I hear a portal opening. I look up to see Error.

Ink : Hi, Ruru. How are you ?

Error : Fine... Can I stay with you ?

Ink : Of course !

He sits down next to me, with a slight blue blush. I smile and continue my drawing. He starts to sew something next to me, and rests his head on my shoulder shyly.

I stop myself to look at him.

Ink : ... Do you want to go to my house ? You could rest on the couch.

Error : .. Yeah.

I get my stuff and stand up. I take his hand, and bring him to my house. I go to the kitchen, to get him some pocky, so he can eat them while sewing.

We sit down and he eats his pocky. Then, we heard a cry.

Ink : Oh no. PJ, I am coming, sweetie.

I go up, while Error just stares not understanding a thing. I didn't tell him about PJ ? ... Ah, yes I forgot to tell him. Shoot. I get to PJ's room, and calm them down softly. Error leans on the doorway, seemingly upset.

Error : So... With whom did you have him ?

PJ : W-who is it, Mommy ?

Ink : ... I will explain to you later too, sweetie. It is a bit too complicated for you now. Do you want to tell me about your nightmare ?

PJ nods a bit while Error grumbles and goes downstairs. Once PJ is calmed, I go back downstairs. I try to find Error, since I don't see him on the couch, when I am suddenly pinned to the wall. By an angry Error. Well, he also seems about to cry.

Error : So. Who ?

Ink : Nobody... I adopted PJ. He is... complicated, let's say. I will explain, release me.

He releases me, and we go sit on the couch. I see PJ spying on us from upstairs and sighed.

Ink : PJ, since you want to eavesdrop, come down too.

They are startled but come downstairs, and sit on my lap. Error is glaring daggers at them, so they hide against me.

Ink : Alright... PJ is... technically our child. Technically.

Error : Huh ? We never did it, Ink, don't take me for an idiot. And he is way too old.

Ink : It is why I said technically. They are born from our magic. To summarize, our magic collided weirdly, during one of our fights, and they are born from that. So, because they were technically our child, I couldn't leave them alone in the multiverse. I took them in and raised them. Dream and Blue only know about the fact they are born from my magic by accident. They don't know your magic was also involved.

PJ looks up at me then at Error understanding slowly he is their father.

Error : ... How old is he ?

Ink : About ten year old. And please, use "they".

Error : ... So before we even became friends... Why didn't you tell me before ?

Ink : And how was I supposed ? I wanted to tell you, but... Before, you would have just killed them, and now I felt like it could either make you leave me or make you feel like you had the duty to take care of them... I didn't know what to do... So I tried not to think of it, most of the time... Fresh usually babysits them.

Error : Wait, what ?!

Ink : You heard me right. PJ seems to love him.

PJ : Mom !!

I look at him to see him blush but ignore it since Error will need the whole story.

Ink : He never cried with Fresh and he even was the one taking him away from our fight, because he saw him forming. He brought him to me after. He even proposed himself as the babysitter, saying something about the fact it is "his duty as a brother"... or something like that. Not too sure of what that means.

Error : Don't think too much of this.

Ink : ... Error... what do you plan to do...?

Error : ... He is my child, you said. Created by my magic.

He looks at his hands.

Error : I never thought my magic could create. Especially against my will.

Ink : ...

Error : ... I will need time to think, but I won't leave you just because he is there, don't worry.

He kisses my forehead.

Error : Also, you said they loved Fresh ?

Ink : Yeah.

Error : Alright. I will be going. There is something I need to do. Later, Inky.

He teleports away. I smile a bit, reassured by the fact he won't leave me.

Ink : Ah. I forgot to tell him about Blueprint and Palette... oopsie... Well... I guess I will have to do this later.

PJ : Seriously, Mom... Your memory is horrible.

Ink : Well, you could have reminded me, young one. And your father's memory is terrible too, anyway.

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