Chapter 3 : Uncles !!!

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Ink POV~

I wait with Fresh for Dream and Blue arrival. To be more precise, Fresh is at the door, with a sign who warms Blue to not speak too loudly, while I make drinks for everyone.

They get there pretty fast, and I heard Blue's scream being interrupted, most likely by Dream who saw the sign and was signaling to him.

They get inside with Fresh who go drink his soda.

Dream : Hello, Ink. So, what is your problem ? And why is Fresh here ?

Ink : Fresh is here because of reasons. As for why you are here...

I search for a bit and get tape out.

Ink : I already know Blue will scream, so sorry Blue, but you will be sentenced to the tape for now.

He whines and complains but I still succeed in putting tape on his mouth. I then gesture them to follow me. Fresh trail behind us.

I open slowly and softly in PJ's room, while putting my finger on my mouth, so they understand to keep it down.

I then enter it with Blue and Dream, and since Dream is the sun, he shines in the dark, allowing everyone to see PJ sleeping peacefully in his bed.

Blue is screaming under his tape and Fresh put a hand on his shoulder, signaling him to quiet down. Dream is still in shock. He then looks at me, confused.

I gesture them to get out, and that I will explain outside.

So we go back to my living room, and Blue takes off his tape in one go.

Blue : Ink, why is there a baby in your house ?

Ink : It is mine, technically.

Dream, Blue : What ?!

Ink : I explain. I experienced my magic and accidently created him. Fresh happened to be around and see it, so he helped me to deal with the child the time everything was good. Then I called you, because I can't hide him from you two.

Blue : So it makes us his uncles ?

Ink : Yeah.

Dream : What is his name ?

Ink : PaperJam. PJ for short. Oh, and Fresh will babysit him, since we need someone who is strong enough to deal with the Bad if needed.

Dream : I see.

Blue : Don't hesitate asking us for help.

Ink : I will. I will also bother Dream a bit more, because I don't want to take you too much away from your AU, Blue.

He nods. We also agree on not talking of PJ where the Bad could actually hear us, to be safe, because everyone agrees. If Error hears about PJ, he will kill him. They don't know how right they are, though.

We won't come in the house, if injured, so PJ won't see us like that, and we will wait for him to know how to fight a bit, before taking him in AUs (except the original pacifist timeline, but we will have to make it so Sans don't see us, or Killer and Dust will know about PJ).

Then Pj woke up, and I rushed upstairs to comfort him. Blue looks at him with starry eyes while Dream giggles.

I saw Fresh taking pictures of us, saying we should make a photo album for when PJ gets older. We all agree with him on that.

So Fresh took millions of pictures, and said he would get them printed for us.

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