Chapter 16 : Meeting Palette and Blueprint too.

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Error POV~

So, after finding out about PJ, Ink and I got a call from Cross. So, to resume it, it seems he and Dream got themself a baby without doing it. Well, at least, Ink and I aren't the only one, I guess.

Anyway, every (ship) one has to reunite to Dust's house. PJ and Fresh are coming with us. I wonder why Ink seems so anxious.

So as we teleport there, we see Killer and Nightmare, who seemed as they just arrived.

(wow, I didn't expect those two, with everything going on for them that you can read about in My treasure

Error, the fourth wall !!

Yeah, yeah, whatever.)

Horror, Blue, Lust and Dust are preparing it. Well, actually, Blue is comforting a baby... wait. Why is Blue holding a baby ? And why Ink isn't surprised ?

Blue : Oh, PJ. Hi !

PJ : Hi, uncle Blue. Give me Blueprint. We will go upstairs with Mr. Fresh.

Ink : Fresh, if anything happens to them...

Fresh : I know. You will beat me out until I dust. We will wait for Pal to get here, before leaving with Jammy Jam.

Ink : Fine. Dust, do you need more chairs ?

Dust : No, that's good. We already got it.

Error : Since when Blue has a child ?

Blue : We will explain when everyone is here.

Ink turns around and opens the door.

Ink : Ah, Dream and Cross are coming !

Dust : Good.

Lust : How did you know ?

Ink : Well, simple.

Palette : Father !!

Ink is tackled. I look at him coldly and throw daggers to the child.

Ink : Heya, Palette. Mind going with PJ and uncle Fresh ?

Palette : Nope. I will be going. Dad and Cross are getting here.

Dream enters the room, with Cross, which holds the fireball child.

Fresh : Alright, Juniors. We are going.

The children nod and leave with Fresh.

Lust : So, I know we are here to discuss the little angle in Cross' hands, but, why does Ink has two children and Blue has one as well ?

Error : Yeah. I didn't hear a word about the fact you cheated on me with Dream.

Killer : Are you sure it is a good idea to let Fresh take care of them ?

Ink : Yes. Believe it or not, but he is a good babysitter. And for the kids. Except for the one we all reunited for, they are all my child.

Killer : Wait, what ?

Lust : Oh ? You are quite horny, Ink.

Ink : Not like that. PJ is the oldest. He was born because of a collision between my magic and Error's one.

Dream : Wait, what ? You never told us Error was involved.

I am relieved to see I am not the only one he hides things from.

Ink : Because at that time, it was better that only Fresh and me knew about that.

Dust : Wait, how did Fresh know ?

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