Chapter 11 : PJ's birthday.

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Ink POV~

It is finally PJ's birthday. We are all here celebrating with him happily. He is so happy for his gifts and gave me a hug. I hug my little angel in return.

Palette : hum... Dad, Father...? I have a request...

We all turn to Palette.

Palette : ... I would like to live with Dad for a bit, if that alright with him and mister Cross.

Cross : That's fine, I guess. But why all the sudden ?

Palette : Well, I love Father, but...

Ink : Yeah, we know you prefer your Dad. That's fine by me, but I will leave your room ready for you, if you want to sleep over, sometimes.

Dream : And I don't see a problem with it either, dear.

PJ : Just come visit alright ?

Palette : Yeah, no problem... Huh, Father, what is wro... oh...

Yeah, you guessed it. Nightmare and his gang are attacking an AU. Why on PJ's birthday !? Can't we have a break ?

I sigh and pat my sons' head.

Ink : Sorry, little guys... we are coming back as soon as possible. Begin to eat your cake, dear.

I rush outside with Dream, Blueberry and Cross behind me. I open the portal and we get there. They are attacking quantumtale.

I just save quantumtale Frisk from Dust when we get here.

Ink : Seriously, I swear....

Blue : Let's finish this quickly.

Dream : You should have chosen another day, brother.

Cross is summoning his knife. Nightmare lounge at Dream, and they fight like usual. Cross tries to intervene but Killer gets in his way. Dust and Blue are fighting and Horror seems to be my new opponent, now that Error isn't part of their group anymore.

Ink : Why are you still with them ? Wouldn't you rather be with Lust ?

Horror : Shut it. And you, are you upset because you were on a date with Error ?

Ink : Ha, in your nightmare !

I tie him up with my ink.

Ink : I was being with someone even more important than Error.

Horror : Oh, so Error is important still ?

I look at him coldly and throw him in a portal to Underlust. I get to help Dream and Cross.

Ink : Cross, let me deal with Killer !!

He nods at me and I get to help them fight. We all glance at Blue, a bit but he isn't here anymore, same with Dust. They must be fighting somewhere else.

I throw Killer in a portal to Othertale, so he will talk for a bit with Color. When Nightmare sees it, he lounges at me with a newly formed hatred. I change into ink to evade his tentacles. Gosh, that was scary. He groans and leaves, most likely to get Killer.

We all nod and rush to try to find Blue and Dust. We see Blue is sitting on Dust who is pinned to the ground, a pointy bone near his throat, making it hard for him to move without taking a serious blow.

Ink : Good job, Blue !

Blue : Thanks.

Dust : Where are the others ?

Dream : They were thrown in a portal and Nightmare left to get them.

Dust : ...

Cross : So, what do we do with him ?

Blue : Let me take him. I am sure I can get him to stop killing people !

We all look at each other.

Blue : And you have to go back home fast for them.

We get startled. We end up all sighing and nodding.

Ink : Fine, but be careful.

I open them a portal to Underswap and then we all start repairing Quantumtale. Once we finished, we went back home and Palette and PJ rushed to hug us.

Fresh smiles at us and gives us a slice of cake. Oh, yeah, it is chocolate cake, so Cross eats it really happily.

Once the party finished, Dream and Cross left. PJ and Palette get in my room, because we made it a tradition to all sleep together because I quote them "I am never home, so they want to keep me for themself for their birthday".

So we all sleep together, peacefully.

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