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So, I am writing part focusing on the other ships of My treasure which as a reminder are the following (that also the order in will get or have gotten published)

Nightmare x Killer

Error x Ink

Cross x Dream

Horror x Lust

Dust x Blue

I am having a debate on if I also make a part with Reaper and Geno or not. Unlike all the above which I already decided I would write them, I am unsure about them.

So if you want to see them more tell me. (But they will appear in some unrelated to My treasure book if not, don't worry.) I just want to know if you want to see me try (and most likely fail) writing Afterdeath.

So tell me in the comments what you think of it. (Also, I nearly finish all the others ships book except the dustberry which I think I could strugle a bit since I also have my classes to attend to)

See ya guys in the Cream book !!

My treasure : Error and InkWhere stories live. Discover now