Chapter 17 : End.

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Error POV~

So, I know this is violent, but here is a resume of the past two years !

Nightmare and Dream are at peace. Everyone in the two groups (plus Reaper, Geno and Fresh) has a room in Nightmare's castle.

Also, the two twins are now married, and well... I am right now discussing with the devil about a serious affair.

Lust : So, you want me to help you to make the perfect proposing for Ink ?

Error : Yes.

What did I tell you ? The devil. Horror is still shocked to see I was even willing to come in Underlust for it.

Error : But... romantic things aren't my fort... so... I need good advice...

Lust : Hm... Let's see, with how Ink is...

Lust gets up and takes a notebook.

Lust : So, I have an idea for the end. You both love Outertale, so you could ask him there, I think. Do you have a place that could matter in Outertale ?

Error : Oh ! Ink made me once a painting of a meteor shower there.

Horror : Seriously ?

Error : Yes.

Lust : I will send a picture of it to Outer, so we will be able to find it. And it would be full perfect, if there were a new meteor shower when you are proposing. As for the rest of it... He likes colorful things, so maybe come with a bouquet full of different colored flowers... We will need to get you a better outfit too. Hm... You could have dinner. If you know how to cook and his favorite food, I will help you do it.

He is thinking. Meanwhile, I am looking at my notes on what Inky likes.

So, we later learned from Outer two things. One, where Ink painted that beautiful painting, two, a meteor shower will happen on Ink's birthday, which isn't far from now.

On the 15 april.

I got from the children they would leave me Ink for the day, but PJ did give me a look which meant "make him cry, and I will make your life a hell".

Anyway, I am ready, in the outfit Lust chose for me. A red and black tuxedo. I am waiting for Ink downstairs looking one last time to everything I planned.

Ink : Error ? Sorry for the delay.

Error : No problem...

I blush when I see him. He wears a black and white tuxedo. I hand him a white rose.

Error : Shall we go, sweet angel ?

He chuckles and takes the rose.

Ink : Lead the way.

I nod and we spend the day going to place, such as "the first time we met '', where PJ formed from what Fresh told us.

At the end of that trip, Ink was holding a huge flower bouquet. I smile and take him to the final place where the dinner is in Outertale.

Ink put the bouquet in the vase. We eat together, and my phone rings.

Ink : What's the matter ?

Error : Look up, you will see.

He looks at me funny, but does so. His adorable smile when he sees a meteor shower. I take the opportunity to knee down next to him. He searched me at first, because he expected me to be in my seat, not next to him, on one knee.

Ink : H-huh ? Error, what are you...

I take out the box in which I hid the ring.

Error : Ink. You know I love you. That you are what I hold the dearest in my soul.

He nods.

Error : Well, I want to take our relationship to the next level. I want to be able to tell myself a part of you will always be with me, and you will always have one of me with you. Something that will link us, even if we were the whole multiverse apart. Something that will make it impossible for me to ever forget about the beautiful and kind being you are and how much I love you. Because you know how... forgetful I am, about the good part of my life... And I don't want risking it to happen.

Ink : ...

He begins to cry.

Error : I-Ink... S-sorry if I am being too fast for you...

Ink : N-no... t-that's not it... I... are you really sure... you want m-me ?

Error : Ink, do you remember what I told you, years ago, when I confessed to you ? You are the one I want to spend my life with. The only one I want to hug, cuddle and make smile every single day of my life. You found the way to reanimate the soul I tried to make think I never had.

Ink : ... Thank you so much, Error.

He leans in and kisses me softly. I don't even have the time to respond. He pulls away, taking the box, putting on the ring.

Ink : But I will make myself clear. Now, you are stuck with me. I won't let you leave.

I laugh.

Error : I should be the one saying it.

And that is exactly how it happened. We are still watching over the multiverse together now.

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