Chapter 7 : X-vent.

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Ink POV~

Creators, do you know underverse and X-tale ? If yes, you know my truce with Error broke because of that. He destroyed tons of AUs. The good news is, because I felt this was going to be a mess, I took Palette and PJ to my AU, even though I didn't want to step here again and let them there. Then I gave Template the page corresponding, saying to him everything.

So Error didn't see PJ and Palette and they are safe.

Weird, even though I don't have my vials, I feel relieved. Maybe those children begin to give me feelings.

Cross left with Dream, from the little I know.

Anyway. (Watch out ! From here on, it how I imagine it could go)

The X-vent failed. So X-tale is still as blank as the anti-void and Reboot is scolding me with the others protectors, Dream (and Dreamswap Dream), while I help repair the multiverse. Template, me and the Dreamswap version of me (we nickname him "Paint" to distinguish us) are working all crazy because of that.

Good thing, Myriad (Dreamswap Error) and Pale don't destroy anything right now. Unlike Error and Eraser.

Once we got enough AU redone, I went to Outertale to take a breather. I know I will have to go back to Pj and Palette. For now, Dream, Cross and Fresh are handling them, however.

Ink : ... I fuck up everything... my friendship with Cross, X-Gaster's plan, my job as a protector... And my role as a father too...

I sigh again. I suddenly get pulled in a portal, in a blank place. Well, I already know where I am.

Ink : Hi, Error. What do you want ?

Error : You really had to repair the multiverse...

He glares at me.

Ink : Yep~

He takes Broomie away from me with some of his strings and throws him away.

Ink : Broomie !!

He leaves with Broomie. I grumble and try to open a portal. Key word : Try.

Ink : H-huh ? Oh no... did he block the access to the anti-void... i-in both ways...?

I look around. Where did he hide his things ? His place is just white endless void, with no sound whatsoever...

I begin to shake and try to think. I throw some ink puddles around, so it won't be completely white, and sing to myself to calm me by creating noise around me.

That must be his way to avenge himself for it, huh ?

Error POV~

I am upset at Ink because of the mess he made. I am in my room in Nightmare's castle. I put Broomie against my wardrobe and opened a window to look at what Ink is doing.

He is dirtying my place that damn !!! Wait... he is singing ? And his eyes are like any Sans' eyes. Weird... He only is like that when he doesn't take his vials, no ?

... Shit !! He is crying ? But why ? ... ... I know someone who could answer it. I take my phone and call Template.

Template : W-what do you want ?

Error : Answer it. What do you think would be Ink's reaction if he were stuck in the anti-void ?

I think he crashed there... I can't go check, however. But from the intense buzzing... Yup, I made him crash.

Pale : What did you tell him ?

Error : Oh, so you are with him. I ask him what would be Ink's reaction if he got stuck in the anti-void.

Pale : ... Bad.

Error : Yeah, I see that.

Template : Because you did that ?! Are you the biggest idiot in the multiverse ?! Ink has leukophobia and sedatephobia. The Anti-void IS his WORST nightmare by fusing his two worst phobias together !!!

He can hear his intense glitching from here. He will crash in a bit, like that. But, seriously ? No wonder he protects so much the Aus. It fills the multiverse with colors and noises. So it helps him deal with his phobia...

Ah, he is hyperventilating. Shoot. I didn't think it would affect him like this. I hang up and teleport back. Ink doesn't even hear me. I slowly pick him up to teleport back to Outertale. He is grabbing on me, shaking and crying. I think I never saw him like that.

I suddenly receive a skateboard in the skull and groan. Next thing I know, Fresh grabbed Ink out of my hands.

Error : You damn parasite !

Fresh : You seriously are sick, bro.

He leaves with Ink. I tried to grab them with my strings, but Template opened a portal between them and me. He grabs my strings and pulls me through the portal.

He glares at me, Pale sitting behind him, watching me coldly. He destroyed an AU ? No, doesn't seem to be the case. So how ?

Template : I swear... How could you do that ?! You know yourself how the anti-void is unbearable for anyone, so someone with those phobias !!!

He screams in his hands and calms down after a hug from Pale (who glares at me).

Error : ... Seriously, are you a couple, or what ?

Pale : Yes.

Error : Wait, WHAT ?!

Template : Reboot is married to Eraser too. Seriously, Error. Can't you leave Ink alone ? He already has much to deal with without you around.

Error : I don't care. I want him dead, anyway ! Like that, it will be easier to destroy AUs.

Template sighs and Pale looks at him. He then grabs me and teleports in his anti-void, I guess.

Pale : You are a dumbass.

Error : Huh ?! Ink had his truce. He broke it, I don't see why I should keep my part.

Pale : He didn't. His job is to "help the creators", not created. X-Gaster is a creator. And he didn't create.

Error : ...

I haven't a come back to that. This is true.

Error : Still, I don't care.

Pale : ... And then, we are the soulless ones.

I glare at him.

Error : Sorry I don't please you. I am not like your dear Template !

Pale : Yeah. I know. I feel bad for Ink, however. But he is a good liar. It has been what now... 4 years he hides things from you ?

Error : Huh ?

He teleports away like that. Is he speaking about Ink's phobias ? It's not like I care about what he is afraid of. Wait, no, I know him since more then that.

I teleport to my room once again.

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