Chapter 4 : Star, Protector and Dad...

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Ink POV~

It has already been a few months, since PJ is here, now. Of course, Error continues destroying AU and I have to fight him. Same with the Bad who continue to attack innocent happy AU.

But Because of PJ, I don't sleep as much as before, so it becomes harder for me to keep up with all of that. Fresh even had to save me once of Error and bring me back, unconscious. The next time Error asked me if I was in couple with Fresh, to which I answered.

Ink : Why would it matter to you ?

He groaned and left after that. That was our shortest fight ever.

I am actually relaxing in Outertale, looking at the stars with PJ. Fresh is around too, playing with him.

Fresh : I thought we shouldn't get him out of the doodlesphere, if he was still that small.

Ink : I know. But my doodlesphere can get boring, after some time, even for a baby. I am thinking of calling a colleague.

Fresh : Wait, there are other protectors ?

Ink : Yes. I won't call another me, however. They will only worry themself how they will do, if they also get a PJ. But, two of them are actually Error's alternate version.

Fresh : Oh ! I bet Error is angry about it.

He giggles. I noticed that since he takes care of PJ, it is like he actually begins to have feelings. Dream said something like that too.

Ink : Yeah. He knows only one of them. It is the one I am thinking of, actually.

Fresh : Oh ? What is his name ?

Ink : Template. My alternate is Pale. But I guess you could say they are the protector and destroyer in the best terms.

Fresh : Oh ? How so ?

Ink : Pale destroys AU because the creativity who composes them actually gives him feelings, like my vials do for me. But he gets only one, and an intense one at that. So for example, if he gets sadness, he will crawl up in a ball and cry his eyes out. So Template has to deal with his unpredictable mood, and most of the time, end up comforting him or being dragged along on an adventure.

Fresh : That seems funny.

Ink : Yeah. Also, Template has haphephobia, but because of all this, he is alright with touching Pale or Pale touching him.

Fresh : Oh~ Nicely done, Pale.

? : Thanks...

He turns around to see Pale and Template.

Template : I am here, Ink. So, that's PJ, huh ?

He crouches down near PJ. The small one stares at him, before reaching for him. He takes him slowly and carefully in his arms. Meanwhile, Pale came to sit down next to me and stared at Template.

Ink : Are you on an emotion, now ?

He shakes his head. I take one of my small brushes and create a glass, then do the mixing of my vials I usually take when I start to feel empty, before handing him. He gulps it down in one go.

Pale : Thank, Ink.

He smiles at me.

Ink : No prob.

Fresh : Wait, if your vials work on him, why do you not give them to him ?

Pale : Because Template needs me for his sanity. He isn't just a protector. He is also supposed to be the destroyer, but because he hates and is afraid of his other side, he only shows the protector one.

Ink : But actually, to protect the multiverse, you need the destroyer too. So Pale took that role.

Fresh : ... So, you accept to live like an empty shell, for him ?

Pale : Yes. That is why, except if I took angered creativity, I don't fight with Template.

Fresh : I see.

Template : Aaaaaah !!

We all turn to look Template. PJ seems to have thrown at him an ink plush, right in the glasses. PJ is giggling.

Pale : I admit I love sometimes doing it, even without feeling.

Ink : Oh ? Why ?

Pale : You will see.

Template put PJ down, then take his blue scarf to wash his glasses. The scarf is completely ruined, now.

He sighs and Pale pokes his shoulder. He turns around, and sighs. He takes off his scarf and gives it to Pale who comes back happily and wraps the scarf around his neck, while Template creates a new one.

Fresh : So, you do it to steal his scarf ?

Pale : Yup~

Ink : Well, Pale loves clothes, so I guess I am not surprised. Anyways... Template, for what I ask you...

Template : Yeah, I will try to deal with a bit of Error's destruction too.

Ink : Thanks.

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