Chapter 2 : PaperJam !

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Ink POV~

I wake up at Fresh panicking downstairs. Well, at least I got a good nap. I feel better now. I get downstairs to see what is going on... And see there is the child I decided to name PaperJam, because a voice in my dream told me to, on my ceiling lamp, hanging with inky strings.

Ink : PaperJam, get down there, please.

I get to Fresh and PJ looks at me. He is happy to see me, I guess, but he forgets to maintain his strings and fall. I rush to catch him and sigh, seeing he is alright.

Fresh : Nice catch, Ink. I am sorry.

Ink : Don't worry, he is unharmed, that's what matters. We need to make him a room. ... There are some unused rooms upstairs, guess they will serve now. I will make a baby room out of one of them. Oh, and take it.

I throw him an ink ball, who change shape to become a key.

Ink : So you will be able to come and babysit him, while I am away.

Fresh : Alrighty, Buddy. You know some will think we are a couple, however, right ?

Ink : I am not interested in love and you can't actually feel either. So tell me... How could two beings unable of love be a couple ?

Fresh : Eh, touché. You wanna some help to make that baby room ?

Ink : No. Go buy some baby supplies, please. I will repay you.

Fresh : Alrighty, buddy. See ya.

I nod and get to one of those unused rooms. I put PJ in a corner.

Ink : Now, PJ, we will make a baby room together. What should we do ?

I look at the room, to find an idea of what color could be the best. Maybe warm colors ? Yeah, let go with it.

I take Broomie to begin to paint. I hum to myself and PJ seems to like that singing. I giggle to myself. Once I finish with the wall that was like this : the right wall was red who faded to pink, the window wall was with differents shade of blue, the left one was with a drawing of a rainbow and some clouds, I painted the floor in a grassy green color and the ceiling is orange, like a sunset. The door wall was yellow. I look at PJ to see if he loves his new room. Seems to be the case. I smile.

Ink : Now the room is painted, we need to make your bed, young one. Hum, I don't know much about baby bed, however... Hm... What color have we not used yet ? ... Purple !

I create a purple baby bed with a fluffy pinkish blanket. I put PJ inside, to see if he finds it comfy. I guess yes, since he yawed and fell asleep right away. I cover him, and look at the room a bit more.

Ink : Hm... I guess I will settle with white curtains... I will maybe need to make him plushy, later.

I make the curtains and close them, since the doodlesphere is most of the time light up. I leave quietly to let PJ sleep.

Fresh gets back, sometimes after it.

Ink : How much ?

Fresh : Don't worry about it, Ink. Where is Jammy Jam ?

Ink : Asleep. I finished his room for now. I will need to find an idea for his plushy, however.

I was doing a doodle of what I could do.

Fresh : Eh, good luck with it, buddy...

Ink : Yeah... I will have to call Dream and Blue to tell them about PJ too... Oh, and you can put those in the kitchen.

He nods and does as told. I call Dream.

Dream : Yeah, Ink ?

Ink : Hum, Dream, could you get Blue and come to my house, please ? I have a problem I need to tell you about, face to face.

Dream : You are worrying me. Be there in a bit then.

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