Chapter 13 : Tsundere much ?

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Error POV~

I sigh. It has been a while now I hang out with Ink. I finally admit it, I am in love with him. I sigh again.

I text the guys about it.

K : About time you realise.

D : What do you plan to do ? Confess ?

E : What ? No ! I will ruin everything if I do it.

L : I don't think so.

E : What are you doing in that chat ?!

H : I invited him, because he is good at love advice.

L : And I know Ink quite a lot. I gave him cooking lessons. ... That was a disaster. He must be cursed by the god of cooking.

K : That's much ?

L : Yeah. Anyway. Ink is aro-ace, but he clearly has a sweet spot for you, Error.

E : Huh, what makes you say that ?

L : That.

He sent a picture in the chat. It is Ink drawing with a heart shaped eye, seemingly lost in his thought. Then he sent another one, from above Ink' shoulder... Ink was drawing... me.

L : I had so much of a hard time not being killed by him once he noticed. Good thing, I had sent those to Papy, who sent them back, after Ink left. So he doesn't know I still have them.

D : Yeah, if he has that face while drawing Error, I guess he does love him.

K : Yeah. You wanna help to confess ?

E : What ? No !!

All : Alright. Well, Good luck.

I sigh. What could I do for him ? Hm, Christmas is around the corner, so maybe a christmas gift ?

Yeah, let's do it !!

Timeskip to Christmas.

I texted Ink to ask him if he could make time for me, for Christmas. He said he won't be able to come before 1 AM, because of a party.

I sigh. Of course, unlike me, he has a lot of friends. The gang did send me Christmas gifts too. Dust got me more knitting material, Horror got me food (most likely, he cooked it with Lust. Maybe I will share it with Ink ?) and Killer got me a cat. He is actually getting used to my house. Yeah, I ask Ink to make me one, so he would be more at ease in the anti-void.

Anyway, once it is 1 AM, I hear a knock on the door. I rush to open it. Ink is on the other side. He seems tired, but smiles at me anyway.

Error : S-sorry...

Ink : Don't worry. I am just tired because of how energic everyone was. Merry Christmas, Error.

Error : Merry christmas, Ink. Get sit, I have a cake, if you want.

He nods and sits. He teleports a gift and puts it on the table.

Error : Huh ?

Ink : It is for you.

Error : Oh, t-thank. You didn't have to...

He smiles at me. I give him a small slice of cake, because it is obvious he doesn't want to eat. I sit next to him and stare at the gift.

Ink : You can open it, if you want. But that is nothing great, trust me.

I nod and open it. My eyes open wide. He gave me a beautiful painting of Outertale sky, during a meteor shower.

Error : I-ink, that's beautiful... thank you so much.

Ink : Thanks.

He smiles at me. I go put the painting in my room, and come back, hands in my back, with my gift.

Error : Mine isn't as great as yours. Sorry.

Ink : Wait, you got me something too ?

Error : Yeah.

Ink : Thanks.

He takes my gift softly. He opens it softly and I look shyly at him. He stares at it.

Ink : A scarf ? And a long one at it.

Error : Undo it.

He stares at me, but opens it. It hides a doll I made, of me holding a heart. When he saw it, I think he would have been me, he would have crashed.

Ink : H-huh ?

Error : I... I love you, Ink...

He blushes in a beautiful rainbow.

Ink : W-what ? That's not a funny joke, Error.

Error : That's not a joke !

He jolts and looks at me. His pupils change to grey oval, like Pale ones.

Ink : ... I can't accept it.

I feel like my soul is going to shatter.

Ink : Let me get this straight. You deserve better than... than a soulless being. You deserve someone who isn't lying, when he says he feels something.

I stare at him, lost. So... he rejects me... because...

Error : ... You feel like you... don't deserve love...?

Ink : ... yeah... How could I ? When I only feel because of my vials...? My feelings are fake, just as me... Nobody deserves to be with a liar...

I grab his face and kiss him. He gets startled. He pushes me away, blushing even more.

Ink : Listen to me ! Don't make it harder !

Error : This is my line ! I love you, Ink. Not someone else. I don't care how you get feelings, you do. That's the end of it.

Ink : No. That's not. ... You deserve someone way better than me... I can't be that someone...

He is crying. I come and hug him softly.

Error : Ink. I don't need anyone else. I just need you. If you don't love me like that, I will accept it, but don't refuse, if you actually love me too.

He is shaking and crying. He hugs me after sometimes. Once he fell asleep, I text Template and Pale, to check something.

T : What do you want ?

E : I want to know... is Pale only feeling through destroying ? He doesn't always give that vibe.

P : Depends. At the beginning, yes. But now, I can feel through Template.

E : What does that mean ?

P : The feelings are limited and weaker, but I can feel happy just by being with Template, or I can get angry just by someone injuring him. So I have feelings appearing because I love Template, I guess. I think after absorbing AUs, I ended up with a bit of my own personality. Weaker than Ink however.

T : Well, I don't see Ink do much, when emotionless, but yeah, he sometimes gives me the vibe when something is dear to him, he will react, even emotionless.

I sigh and decide to go to sleep too.

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