Chapter 12 : Hanging out with Error.

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Ink POV~

I wake up last, from what I see, since my sons aren't next to me. I go downstairs to see Palette and PJ cooking breakfast.

PJ : Ah, morning, Mom.

Palette : Hello, Father.

Ink : Hello, Sunshines. So, what is for breakfast ?

PJ : Bacon and eggs.

Ink : I see. Thank you.

I kiss their skull and set the table.

Ink : Like always, it is delicious~

I guess they inherited that from Error and Dream, because I suck at cooking, even with Lust's lesson...

Both : Thank, Mom/Father.

Palette : I am going to prepare my things to move to dad's.

Ink : You want some help ?

Palette : Thanks, but it will be alright, mom.

Ink : Alright. And you, Pj. What do you plan to do ?

PJ : Well, Mr Fresh got me a ticket for a movie, so I will go see it. He said he would come with me, so you don't have to worry.

Ink : Alright. I guess I will take a stroll through AUs to be sure everything is alright, then.

They nod. I wash the dishes, while PJ gets ready to leave with Fresh. He really enjoys being with him. Maybe because Fresh is always here for him, unlike me...

Once everything is drying I go. I begin with Outertale, in hope to run into Error.

Guess I am lucky.

Ink : Hi, Error.

He turns to face me.

Error : H-Hi, Ink...

Ink : Are you alright ?

Error : Yeah, I just didn't expect to see you. How are you ?

Ink : Fine. And you ?

Error : Same.

I sit next to him.

Ink : What are you making ?

Error : Oh. Well, you know I make dolls, right ?

Ink : Yeah.

Error : Yours got damaged, so I am making a new one.

Ink : Eh. ... Could you teach me how you make them ? I wanna try.

Error : Eh ? Sure, I guess.

I scout closer to him and he gives me a list of things I would need. Then proceed to show me. He is a really good teacher.

Ink : Wow. It is easy, when we listen to you.

Error : Ahaha. Thanks.

We continue hanging out like that, happily. If someone told me I could be this happy spending time with Error, I would have laughed at him, before, but now...

Error : ... Ink, do you want to go watch Undernovela with me ?

Ink : Yes !!

We go to the anti-void and watch Undernovela. Eh, PJ is truly his son, they are so alike when they are happy.

Ink : cute...

Error : What did you say ?

Ink : Nothing.

He looks at me like he doesn't believe me but refocuses himself on his favorite AU. He then makes a debrief of what he just saw and I listen to him, smiling.

Ink : Hm... do you wanna grab a bite ?

Error : Oh, yeah good idea.

I stand up and open a portal to Fluffytale. I take Error to Ccino's cafe.

Ink : Hi, Ccino !

Ccino : Hi Ink... I-Is that Error ?

Ink : Yeah. Don't worry, he won't do anything.

He nods but doesn't seem fully convinced. We sit at a table and order. Our orders get here pretty fast.

Ccino : Oh, while I think about it. I saw Fresh with a Sans I never saw before. Do you know him, Ink ?

Ink : Hm ? Fresh was hanging with someone ? Were they near the theater ?

Ccino : Yeah, how did you know ?

Ink : I know this "Sans". It is an outcode, so he doesn't have an AU. He is kind, once you get to know him, don't worry.

Ccino : Alright. Well, he seemed young.

Ink : Because he is.

Error : So it is a younger version of a Sans ?

Ink : Let's stop speaking about it. You have other customers, Ccino.

Ccino : Oh, yeah. Sorry. Enjoy your meal.

He goes back to work.

Error : Since when do this Sans exist ?

Ink : Some years already. He was already created before our first truce, so.

Error : Wait, and I never ran into him ? How ?

Ink : Dunno. Because I make everything so you don't run into him. How do you like this cafe ?

Error : It is alright.

He says it, but he is petting Ccino's cat with a blush across his face. Hm ? Oh, that Killer and Color, there ? With Outer. They seem to get along with Ccino too.

Once we finished, Error and I split way and I went back home. I warmed Fresh that Ccino saw him with PJ.

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