Chapter 10 : Under the stars...

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Error POV~

So it's been a few days since I heard Lust's nonsense... but I don't know why, now I can't look at Ink in the eyes...

We come back from a battle with the Stars Sans, tired.

Nightmare : Alright, that is too much.

I get grabbed by Nightmare's tentacule and he teleports away from the other, in his office.

Nightmare : What got into you, Error ?! I didn't say shit about your feelings until now, because I didn't think it would actually have an impact on your work !! But apparently, I was wrong. So what the fuck ?!

Error : I...

We hear knocking.

Nightmare : What is it ?!

Killer gets inside.

Killer : Sorry Boss. It's just... Horror needs a better healer than me... and you are the best of us, at healing magic...

He groans and leaves, but not without giving me the look of the "you better take care of it".

Error : Thank, Killer.

Killer : Don't thank me. It is because of what we said, right ? About how you could be in love with Ink ?

I blush. He sighs and turns to me.

Killer : Error, if that's why, then, maybe you should just make another truce with Ink. Because from what I saw... you could be unable to fight with him, ever again.

Error : What are you saying ?

Killer : You look at him like...

He sighs. What was he about to say ?

Killer : Just, leave the Bad. Because Nightmare won't be happy, hearing you love Ink. And even if that is not love, you still clearly care for him.

Error : And how can someone with no feelings understand anything ?!

I see him flinch, but what caught my attention is that his soul isn't a perfect circle anymore... and I can faintly see his eyeslights... What is happening to him ?

Killer : Just follow my advice !! Stop being an idiot.

He is coughing.

Killer : Please...

He nearly seems about to past out. When suddenly...

Nightmare : Killer ?!

Nightmare catches him, when he faint, and he opens a big eye, seeing Killer' soul.

Error : Nightmare, what is going on with Killer ?

Nightmare : I will take care of that. Tell everyone to not try to go see Killer or me, today.

I nod and get out. I think I saw Nightmare carrying in bridal style, the unconscious Killer, while looking very worried. I tell at Horror and Dust, who seem surprised, then go to Outertale to think a bit.

I sigh.

Error : ...

? : Oh, Error.

I turn to see Ink. He isn't really injured. He comes near me, but leaves my personal space alone.

Ink : Hum... Is something wrong ? You don't seem fine, since some time now...

Error : Huh, you are worrying for your enemies ? You are too much of a softy, Ink.

Ink : Say the one who loves cute things and comforted me, after seeing me cry.

I get startled. And even more, when, after lifting my head and turning it to face him, I end up face to face with him.

Ink : I am serious, Error. That's worrying me...

Error : ... ... ... Would you... ... want to make a truce... with me...?

Ink : Huh ? I didn't expect you to be the one asking. But sure, why not. Do we go by the previous one ?

Error : Y-yeah... but...

Ink : Hm ?

Error : ... I would like... to hang out more with you too... Forget it.

I get up, and feel something pull my hand. I see him with a shocked face.

Ink : ... Error... do you... want to... maybe... just maybe... become friends with... m-me ?

He seems like he is about to cry. I get startled and knee down next to him.

Error : I-Ink, don't cry, please... I-I am sorry if it upset you that much...

Ink : ... So it means yes...?

Error : I-I... yes... I want to become friends...

He tackles me into a hug. I hear him cry.

Error : Y-you aren't forced to do it, if you don't want...

Ink : Of course I want to ! But I always thought... you would never want it too... So I never dared ask you...

Error : I see... Well, I want to give it a try. So come see me when you want.

Ink : Alright... Ah. however, I think we will mainly hang out in your place... because mine is... maybe too much for you.

Error : Eh, if you are afraid because your place is messy, don't worry.

Ink : No... I don't mean it like that... Hm... you know what, forget it...

He sighs. He looks as if he is debating himself a lot.

Ink : ...

Error : What are you hiding ?

Ink : ... I will tell you, one day, maybe... But that will be when... I feel confident enough, I guess... if I don't forget about it...

Error : I see. Well, do we have a deal ?

Ink : Yes. Oh, we should try to find a way to get in contact, when needed.

He is already in intense thinking.

Error : Maybe... Can you be summoned through ink ?

Ink : If it is my magic ink, yeah.

Error : I got our way. Wait for a bit.

I teleport and come back with an empty bottle. I hand him then create some of my string.

Error : Put some of that ink in the bottle.

He obeys. I give him my strings and take back the bottle.

Error : If you want to join me, pull the strings. I will pour that bottle, in my case. So if you want to hang out, just do it.

Ink : That's a great idea, Error !!

I giggle with how happy he seems. I love his smiling face... wait... Aaaaaaah !!!

Ink : Huh, Error, why are you blushing ?

Error : F-for nothing... I-I have to go, bye !!

Yes, I ran away.

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