Chapter 5 : What are you doing here ?

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Error POV~ (bet you didn't expect that, right !)

I am bored. I guess I can go destroy an Au. It is always funny fighting Ink. Yup, let's do that. I go to a random AU and begin my job.

I wonder how much I will be able to do, before Ink gets here. He doesn't seem to be in great shape, right now... he is tired, maybe ? But why now ? I asked Nightmare, and he said even if he wanted, because he is Dream's friend, he can barely give him nightmares, so he shouldn't have a problem, right ?

Why am I worrying myself about it, anyway ? It's like that time when Fresh saved him. I was so pissed off. Even more when I begin to think those two got together, since they can't feel anything. Most likely because I don't want my two most hated people to become a couple.

Anyway, I see a colorful attack aim at me. I dodge and look at who comes out of the forest expecting Ink... But instead, I got that abomination who looks like me, but fanboys on Ink.

Error : Urgh, what do you want ? Where is Ink ?

Template : Ink can't come, so I came instead.

Error : Huh ? He can't come ? Why ?

Template : You don't need to know.

The dedain he has for me was clear in that you.

Error : Well, at least I will be able to kill you. Unlike Ink, you have a soul, that will be easy.

I throw my strings at him, but he dodges them all and throws me his colorful attacks. After some time, I finally caught him in my strings.

Error : Eh, goodbye, abomination.

I smile but just when I was about to kill him, he grabs my strings bare hand and they disappear.

Error : What ? Wait... where are your gloves ?

He doesn't answer me and sends a wave of bones at me. I dodge them, then hear a portal opening behind me. He throws me in, and sticks something on my foreskull, before closing the portal.

It seems I am in my anti-void. Anyways, I take off whatever shit he sticks on me. It says "banned"

Error : What a joke.

I try to open a portal to that AU to kick his pelvis, but... the portal won't open ? Why ? Don't tell me he really is able to ban people from an AU ?! How is it even possible ?

I sit down and try to remember the ability unique to each of the protectors.

Error : So, for Ink it is the creation, I think it sticks to whatever Ink protector... But for Reboot, that the save power. He can restore AU who were destroyed before the attack of the destroyers... And so, Template can ban people in an AU ? Does that mean he can also make it impossible for someone to teleport to place without him agreeing first ? I never really cared for him, but if he is able to do it, then it is troublesome... He could fully stop me from destroying. Wait, but Pale can go to most of the AU. Why ?

Pale : He banned me from the Lust AU.

I jolt and turn to him.

Error : What are you doing here ?

Pale : Thought I should warn you. If you try to touch to Template, I will come and beat you up.

He is his hands in his pocket, but I see a dark red in his eyes. So he destroyed an Au, huh ? I hear a portal.

Template : Pale, there you are. So, what did you absorb, this time ?

Error : Anger.

Template : Oh. Well, we will go fight somewhere...

Pale grabs him by the wrist and teleports with him. Why do I feel like Pale could want another type of "fight" ? Seriously, between Eraser and Reboot and those two... What does my others self have with putting themself in couple with their Ink ?

Wait, he didn't answer me, for why Ink wasn't here ! And last time, Ink didn't really answer me, about if he dated Fresh !!

... Then again, why do I care ? I hate Ink.

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