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They might drive you half insane but
It's killing you to stay the same but
It's all gonna work out
It's all gonna work out someday
Living with your eyes half open
You've been thinking 'bout these changes
It's all gonna work out
It's all gonna work out someday"

- Changes by Lauv


I learned the rules. There were eleven laps around Lincoln Grove Park. I asked Walker and Holden if that was normal but they elaborate. It was clear it was a race to watch. A rare match

I was curious by what the screen showed but I desired to know more. I knew I shouldn't. I would never watch that sort of thing again, unless Holden or Walker played it.

On the last lap, sirens sounded.

"Is that the cops?"

Holden nodded. "Yeah but it's playing through the stream. It's a warning that a cop scanner has called in an illegal race in the area. The players should have a way to hear the same warning."

The two cars that were losing, from the beginning, came to a screeching halt. Swerving in different directions, they fled the scene - admitted the evitable defeat.

"Pussies," Walker said with a low chuckle.

"There was no chance of them winning against Shadow Hunter and Deathly Hallow. They knew," Holden explained.

"Why don't the Shadow Hunter and Deathly Hallow leave too?" I questioned. "The cops could bust them."

"They won't get caught. Never do," Walker plainly stated.

Shadow Hunter and Deathly Hallow neared the point of rounding the last corner. Since the other cars were gone, the they had four-lanes open for just the both of them. It was neck to neck. Deathly Hallow seemed to use a boost, causing his car's front to lift ever so slightly before he jolted forward.

The timing was wrong. I knew it. Shadow Hunter knew it. Driving slightly outward, Shadow Hunter perfectly drifted and used his boost. It was enough to almost put him a car length ahead of Deathly Hallow.

Deathly Hallow switched gears in the last yards but it was not enough. Shadow Hunter was somehow prepared as his car pushed forwarded ever so more. It was enough to set his win in stone.

"We watched to the end of the race," Walker declared. "What do y'all want to do next?"

"I want to know what your apprehension was to me watching. That was not violent at all."

"This race was not but some races people purposefully slam into another - to spin the other out or to cause damage. It can get serious," Holden said. "This match was tame because it was clearly designed for Deathly Hallow to play Shadow Hunter to the end."

"Well, now Shadow Hunter can go on his merry way and avoid Deathly Hallow," I simply figured.

Walker snorted, "Not if he does not want a reward for winning. He will go to the collection site. Drones and cameras will be waiting. It will be a trap."

"Looks over to me," I said matter-of-factly. "It's a green screen."

"They don't show how the cars or drones get to the reward collection site. Everyone is headed that way though. It will come back on shortly," Walker replied. "What do y'all want to watch now?" Clearly, he was still focused on distracting me from what was about to happen.

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