Chapter 18 Going back to work sucks!

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(Picture of Brandon above)


It’s Monday morning and it’s my second appointment with Dr. Bradley. It’s also the day Trip goes back to work. I’m not looking forward to this considering he won’t let me go home while he’s at work.

He doesn’t want me driving around by myself in case I get upset and have no one around to calm me down. He was saying he couldn’t handle seeing me in the hospital again and I needed to rest another week or two so I can have a couple more visits with Dr. Bradley. 

We just ate breakfast and he’s checking a few emails on his computer for work before we leave.

“Already back to work and you haven’t got there yet.” I laugh at him and shake my head

“Yeah, yeah let’s go.” he kisses my head and leads me out the door. 

“I find it quite odd we practically wore the same thing today only your clothes are girly.” he says with a sideways glance.

“You definitely look better than me though with those skin tight light blue skinny jeans that look painted on, the blue and grey flannel shirt, white tank top and white sneakers.” he says while eyeing me up and down.

“No, you most definitely look better! You may not be wearing skinny jeans but I’m not complaining about this view..” I look behind him as he opens the truck for me. “..and it is quite odd we wore the same colors today.”

He shrugs “Just shows great minds think alike.” he shuts my door and runs around to get in.

He insisted on taking me to my appointment before he goes to work even though I told him I could get someone to take me so he could go to work. Apparently he’s just as stubborn as I am so here we are.

The drive there was quiet while I thought about what I should talk about today. I should tell her how well our weekend was when he met my family, that we both admitted we’re falling in love with each other, and a few other things I’ve thought about.

We pull into the parking lot and Trip interrupts my thoughts by squeezing my hand gently. 

“We’re here, baby doll.” I just look at him and nod with a small smile.

I’ve been in here for 30 minutes telling her about the great time we had at my mom and Kent’s house Saturday when she notices me looking off in the distance with a loving smile on my face.

“What is that look for? Are you thinking about him?” she says with a knowing look

“Yes actually. Last Monday night after our session we were just watching tv and he just blurted out ‘I’m falling in love with you’ from nowhere. I was shocked for about two seconds when I heard your voice tell me not to let fear get in the way so I started to smile and told him I was falling for him too. It was like I couldn’t control it, almost like my heart was speaking for me since I didn’t let fear step in the way.” I look at her to make sure she just heard what I said and she’s smiling, like really big! 

“I’m proud of you.” 

“Proud? You don’t think it’s too soon to pretty much say we love each other?” I say confused 

“There you go letting fear fill your head with doubts. Did you doubt it the moment he said it to you?” she asks seriously

“Well, no. I didn’t hesitate, I just knew.” I say like I’m figuring it all out.

“Exactly. When you’re put on the spot your instincts kick in. If your instincts tell you you love him then don’t you think it’s the truth?” she asks me even though I can tell she already knows what I’ll say. I take a long slow breath then let out a slow sigh.

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