Chapter 11 She'll stay with me!

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Saturday Night



"...all I know is one minute we were dancing and the next she's passed out in my arms." I think I hear Trip's worried voice but I can't open my eyes to see him.


What is that noise? Where am I?


"Well, we need to keep her for a couple days to keep an eye on her." I'm guessing that's a doctor.


Why am I in the hospital? Oh, no! Last thing I remember is dancing with Trip. How did our date end? Did he kiss me goodnight? Ugh..why can't I remember?


"Ok, thank you, Dr. Gerald. I'm going home to see my husband really quick then I'll be back." I hear my mom say


That's the last thing I remember before darkness takes me away again.

I'm sitting here in the hospital room with Kenzie. Her mom, Donna just left saying she is going home to see her husband and will be back within the next couple hours. She seems like a really sweet lady and kept thanking me over and over again about saving her daughter's life.

I told her all I did was call 911 and stay with her until they got to us. She insisted that I was her daughter's hero and hoped to see more of me in Kenzie's future. I made sure she knew I don't plan on going anywhere.

The doctors and her mom are saying she passed out due to her anxiety which makes sense since her heart beat had increased and she looked a little worked a good way, just ended badly.

Her mom mentioned how she's been under a lot of stress lately so her body probably just had enough and shut down. Also mentioned it looked like she had lost a little weight because she doesn't eat when she stresses.

After all the things she talked about last night I can understand why she stresses so much and that's on top of running a business. I know first hand what it's like to run a business and the stress that comes with it. I hear my stomach growl and grab it out of reflex.

Ugh, I can't possibly eat right now, this is too much for me to even have an appetite. I feel like I'm losing someone I never even had the chance to have. I feel something real and meaningful with this woman so I wasn't planning on letting her go anytime soon, especially not to her health.

Her mom said she's had issues with mental health in the past but thought she was better. I made up my mind earlier when the doctor mentioned she needed to seek counseling or therapy to help with her stress that I would find a way to get her to agree to stay with me so I can take care of her.

Maybe then she'll understand what she means to me. I need to call my dad to see if any of his buddies know any good therapists. Maybe he can help me find the best for her so she can get back on her feet soon.

I'll make sure she eats right and gets plenty of exercise. I'll be there when she has a mental breakdown and needs someone to help her calm down. I'll talk to the girls at the shop. She needs a couple weeks of rest before she can even think about any work let alone go back to the salon yet.

I may tell her it will be a month or so. Just depends on her stress levels after the next month of me taking care of her. I have a gym at home so exercise won't be a problem, I just don't know how she is about eating healthy.

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