"Do you want a taste?"

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Harry had a thing for calling me his angel, I don't know why but the way he says it sends a shiver down my spine. He hardly calls me Sydney anymore, it's always angel, baby, or my person favorite, good girl.

Harry's  hands slowly travel up my body feeling how hot and shaky he already had me. He brought up his hand, it's always the one with rings, and wrapped his fingers around my neck, looking deep in my eyes as he snapped his hips forward, reaching that spot inside of me.

I look up to see him smirking at me, I know it's because he can see how I'm falling apart underneath him. I decide to play along and clench around him. He falters for a moment and stutters out a "f-fuck" as he bites his lip to hold in his moan.

His fingers quickly drop down towards my clit, roughly circling it trying to get us both to the high we both wanted- no, the high we both needed. Harry watches me moan loudly and thrash underneath him and we both know my orgasm is building quickly.

I arch my back off the bed as he thrusts into me faster and faster. He leans down to whisper in my ear "how good I feel," and "how I was made for him."

He silences my screams with his lips as his fingers dig into my hips as his rough movements make me tremble and shake. A scream rips through my throat as I feel my whole body burn with euphoria as he continues to fuck me through one of my most intense orgasms making it last longer.

Even though I just came, he keeps going and he's hitting all the right spots every time and I can feel myself building up again. I'm clawing my nails down his back as he leans down to whisper "one more for me angel, need you to soak me one more time before I cum."

His dirty words make me moan loudly, feeling everything heighten from the sensitivity. I look down just in time to see his head lowered taking my nipple into his mouth and gently biting it making my back arch painfully and a whispered "fuck" escape my lips, adoring the sensation of his warm mouth around me.

He feels himself getting closer but he tells me he wants to see me on top first. He flips us both over and throws his head back groaning as he watches me sink down on him with no resistance whatsoever because he's had my dripping since that first "angel" slipped out of his mouth. I hear him whisper "fuck" to himself over an over again and a smirk finds it ways on my face.

I hands press firmly against his chest as I guide my hips up and down his cock, clenching as I feel him hit places I never knew existed. I picked up the pace seeing his face contorted in pleasure, feeling his hips match my pace in a desperate plea of letting me know he was close.

I'm quickly throwing my head back and letting out a whine from being so sensitive but it feels too good to stop. He's getting closer too. He leans up to whisper in my ear, "go ahead and rub your clit, make yourself cum like the good girl you are." I do as he says but I need him to do it, it only feels good when he does it. I beg him to help but he won't. He sits back against the headboard with a smirk on his face and watched as I teeter on the edge once more.

"Harry please" I beg, the pressure in my lower stomach becoming too much to handle. He almost cums at the sight of me circling my clit as I ride him with such determination. He lets out and animalistic grunt thrusting his hips forcefully trying to make me cum for the second time tonight while chasing his own high as well.

"Fuck please don't stop H, right there. I'm right there."  I hear him start to beg me to keep going because he's so fucking close. His vision is starting to blur and he can tell he's gonna cum harder than he ever has, and he can feel his stomach twitching as he gets closer to the edge.

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