"Do I get a treat, baby?"

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Spooky season is here Angels... are you  ready?

It was finally October. Halloween was my favorite holiday. Harry was standing beside me, a pout on his face, as we stood in line outside of this haunted house. Apparently they have tours and told stories about the house, I was so excited. I had dragged Harry here, literally, and I could not wait to go inside. Pretty soon we were up next and I was practically bouncing around from how happy I was. Harry looked over at me with a small smile, giving in to my halloween antics.

We quickly got our wristbands and waited for the few others that would be coming with us. The tour guide came down the stairs, and he definitely fit the part. He was older and had that eery look to him. I moved a bit closer to Harry, just because I loved Halloween didn’t mean that I wouldn’t get scared.

"It's barely started and you're already scared" Harry laughed at me as I pinched his side making him laugh even more. I loved horror themed things but I never actually been brave for these things
"Oh shut up"I glared at him jumping at the small sound next to me that was made my a kid who was just trying to pass us. I ignored Harry's taunting every time a killer clown or bunny came at us with a fake knife, he just stood there laughing at me and teasing how easily frightened I would get
"Don't worry Angel, I'm here to protect you" His hands gripped my sides pulling me closer ignoring the tour guide who was explaining something, he dipped down to kiss my lips softly with a small smile before pulling away

"Look behind you" he whispered as I looked at hok confused before looking behind me to see another clown making me scream terrified

I buried my head in Harry’s chest, squeezing my eyes shut as my body shook with fear. He wrapped his arms around me, leaning down to whisper in my ear, “Baby, it’s okay. I’m here” I pulled back and gave him a quick peck to the lips. I loved this stuff, but maybe not today. I grabbed his hand, pulling him away from the other people. He looked at me with a puzzled expression, “what are you doing baby?” I smirked at him, tugging him into an empty closet by the stairs.

“I’m scared H, want you to make me feel better.” I pouted at him, doing my best to look innocent.

"In the middle of a haunted house? You know we can get caught" He looked behind him seeing the people disappear into the dark hallway as I took a right seeing and heard nothing
"Well they'll be in for a treat.." I bite my lip looking at him as Harry just groaned pulling my body close to his squeezing my sides in a rough manner "Do I get a treat baby?" I asked innocently
"Oh you'll get more than a treat with that look" He murmured slamming his lips on mine as he pushed me to the black wall trying to trap me with his body

“Look at you, begging to be touched where anyone could see us. Needy, needy girl.” I moaned into the kiss, threading my fingers in his hair and tugging him closer to me. He forced his thigh in-between my legs, pushing it right up against my throbbing core. “Fuck.” She smiled against me, rocking me against his leg. “Look so pretty on my thigh, baby.” I moved my hips faster, but I needed more. I needed him. “Need you Harry. Please.” He pulled his leg away, reaching down to unbutton my pants.

"Shhh... I know baby but sometimes in mind for you baby" I raised my eyebrows up looking at him wondering what he had in mind, a dark smile cracked on his lips as he lifted my black dress over my hips and pulled my panties down before pulling away from me

"You have ten seconds to run" Harry told me putting my panties in his pocket as I looked up to him confused and flustered. My core was throbbing, begging to be fucked and he wanted me to run, I don't do running.
"Harry-" I started but he pressed his finger to his lips

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