"The Devil inside."

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Todays tune. High for this by The Weekend

"Come on Syd, it's your last day before getting married." My friend dragged me by the arm into a strip club. Not my idea but well she was right, it was my last day of happiness and freedom, better make the most of it. The club was packed with woman laughing and throwing bills at the sweaty and glittery men on the stages shaking their asses and grinding on the poles. I held onto Em's hand as she pulled us through the crowd to an area that was bit empty, she had already bolted to the stage waving a dollar bill to a dark skinned man grinding himself on the floor as he winked at her making her squeal loudly.

 I held onto Em's hand as she pulled us through the crowd to an area that was bit empty, she had already bolted to the stage waving a dollar bill to a dark skinned man grinding himself on the floor as he winked at her making her squeal loudly

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"Jesus" I laughed watching the man pull her on the stage, I shook my head looking to the side. My eyes caught a tall tattooed man sat on a women's lap grinding and cirling his hips, he grabbed her hands and slipped them up and down his body. He stood up continuing to dance for her but he caught my eye, he looked up and down my body with a smirk on his lips, not even paying attention to the woman who was grabbing his ass.

"Are you interested?" I looked to the side to see the bartender watching the whole thing "Styles' is our best entertainer" she smiled.

"Are you interested?" I looked to the side to see the bartender watching the whole thing "Styles' is our best entertainer" she smiled

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"Oh I don't know..." She shook her head at me with a smirk. "He's the best for a reason honey. Plus, it seems you've already caught his eye." I look over to see what she meant, and there he was. Sweaty and smirking, grinding against the woman who looked like she was about to faint, with his eyes glued to me. This wasn't something I did. I played it safe, kept to myself. I only came because Em wouldn't drop it and because I was a little curious. "I mean... he's very attractive but... I don't know I'm comfortable yet.." She gave me a genuine smile, understanding my nerves. "I'll tell you what baby, it's almost time for his stage show and I happen to know the best seat in the house." I turned my attention to her as she continued, pointing to a seat right in front of the stage, "Go have a seat right over there. He'll go on stage, do his thing and if by the end you decided you are comfortable, let me know and I'll get something set up for you." I smiled at her graciously, feeling myself relax. "Thank you, really." She waved me off,
"No problem pumpkin, but you better hurry. The girls go crazy for him." I ran over to the spot she pointed out, taking a seat just as the lights started to dim.

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