"Don't let me drown."

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Everyone loves a good swim, no?


I squinted at the sun even though I had my sunglasses on, the heat strong against my skin. I threw my towel towards the beach chair before walking over to my pool. The water felt nice on my skin relaxing it immediately, I dove in letting it soak my entire body before coming back to the surface. After a couple of minutes my eyes snapped open with what sounded like a moan, I looked around seeing nobody home. I mean I hadn't seen Sydney for an hour so I assumed she had just left.

"Fuck." A feminine voice came from behind the waterfall that had a secret cave, I slowly swam there trying to stay calm, going to the side of the fall so I could sneak in. I bit my lip at the sight, my Angel had her bikini bottoms floating away from her but she didn't seem to care as her focus was on her cunt, her fingers were roughly moving in and out of her quickly. Her nipples were poking out through the fabric of her bikini making my mouth water. Didn't help when she let out a loud moan as she came.

"And here I thought the water made you clean?" I laughed as she snapped her eyes open looking at me like a deer caught in the headlights.

"H-Harry I... it wasn't what it looked like." Her cheeks were a deep shade of red, her eyes refusing to meet mine. "Oh, so you weren't just making yourself come all over your fingers in the pool?" Her back straightened at my words, pushing her breasts forward making her hard nipples strain against the fabric. All the blood was rushing to my cock, my head spinning at what I had just seen. I feel something brush up against my arm and I look down to see her bikini bottoms floating next to me in the water. I pick them up, dangling them in front of me and her eyes go wide. "Well well well, what do we have here." I chucked as she sent a glare my way.

"You know baby, it's no fair you got to have all the fun without me, maybe I should have some of my own?"

"I'm feeling very dirty today..." I smiled twirling the bikini in my fingers as she went entirely red. "You know what... I think I'll follow your lead Angel." I threw her bottoms back at her watching her face contort in curiosity as she watched my hands play with the strings of my trousers before pulling them slowly, letting them loosen around my hips, I pulled it down my legs letting the water soak my chest and tips of my hair as I rose back up with them in between my fingers.

"Holy shit." A gasp fell from her parted lips looking down at the clean water seeing my erection on full display, the water made me feel more aroused, especially knowing what Sydney had done moments before. And I knew for sure it'll get more dirty after I'm finished with her.

I walked further in the hidden cave so I could lean up against the wall, making sure Sydney had the perfect view. I reached down, taking a firm hold on my erection and my breath hitched. I laid my head back against the wall, slowly beginning to stroke myself. I looked up at her through hooded eyes seeing that she was practically panting. She couldn't take her eyes off my hands, her jaw clenching at the sight. I gave my cock a card squeeze, letting a moan slip past my lips. "Shit, thanks for the idea Angel. This f-feels so good." I spread my legs a little, moving my hand faster as my jaw dropped at the pleasure.

I let out a moan as I squeezed myself a bit tighter as I continued pumping my cock faster letting my thumb tease the slit of my head before opening my eyes to watch her. Her chest was heaving as she watched my hands please myself, she bit her lips as her hands seemed to set on her inner thigh, heading towards her heat making me smile.

"Enjoying this Angel? Like watching me get off thinking about you?" Her eyes snapped to mine as she reddened again, shocked that I said those words but who did she think I was thinking about, that made me let out a breathy chuckle. "Surprised? Want to know what I'm thinking about, baby?" I asked, slowing
down my hands as I felt I was already close but I didn't want to be finished, I watched her head timidly nod. "Yes" she whispered out looking at me with her beautiful brown eyes.

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