"Wish you were here."

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It's only 10 am. Sydney's been at work for no more than 2 hours and she's already told me she'll be home late. I woke up around an hour ago since I had today off of work. I haven't even left the bed yet, it's cold outside and it's just too warm and cozy to leave.

But, I have gotten myself in quite the situation.

About thirty minutes after I woke up, boredom started to set in. I began scrolling through my phone, just looking to pass the time. What I didn't expect to find was an album of pictures I had never seen before. What the fuck? I clicked on it and read the description, "Harry, here are some pictures for when I'm gone, or when you're off working. Love, your Angel. xo." I scrolled down and my breath hitched when I saw the first one.

Sydney, in nothing but my shirt, which was bunched up around her hips, exposing her swollen, pink cunt.

That brings me to where I am now, sat up in bed, cock so hard and swollen it's turning a deep shade of red. I'm leaking from my slit and I haven't even touched myself yet.

All because of that picture. Such a dirty girl.

I reach over to the nightstand, putting on my rings one at a time before I slowly bring my hand up to my throat, giving it a hard squeeze. Fuck. I run my hand down my body slowly, imagining it as Sydney's instead. I tease my tip with just my fingers and a shiver runs down my spine. I use my pre-come as a lubricant and give my cock one hard tug, making my body jolt and a moan slip past my lips.


God I was so hard. My tip was turning an angry red just thinking about the pictures Sydney had left in my phone. I clicked on the next one, a picture of my Angel in front of the mirror, legs spread with just her white lace panties on. No shirt, no bra and fuck I could see her nipple piercings so clearly. My mouth watered at the sight, wanting nothing more than to take the jewelry into my mouth and give it a tug. I could see the wet spot on her panties. Shit she had to have been soaked when she took this.

I bring my hand to the head of my cock, running my finger over the slit and my whole body shudders. God, fuck me. I start to work myself up, moving my hand slowly up and down my cock. It feels so good, but as good as when Sydney does it. I can practically see her now, kneeled down in front of me, mouth open and waiting for me. She's such a good girl. My good girl.

"Oh Angel"

I move my hand a little faster, making sure to put some extra pressure on the spots I know are extra sensitive. If my Angel were here, she'd by using that tongue of hers to make me moan out like this. God, she has such a pretty little mouth, so perfect, so warm. She always takes me so well.

"Fuck." I moan out into the room, no one is here so I might as well take advantage of it. I let my head fall back against the headboard, biting my lip as if Sydney were here telling me to keep quiet. Who am I kidding? She would never tell me to keep quiet. She loves my moans, she gets off on them. Half the time she's sucking my cock, I look down to see the hand she's not using tucked away in her panties, rubbing that little clit to the sound of my moans.

My hand is moving faster now and I've let my imagination carry me away so much I almost forgot about the pictures I have. I scroll to the next one and nearly faint. It's Sydney, laying on the bed with the phone propped up on the nightstand, she must've used a timer. Her hair is sprawled out on the pillows and she's wearing a shirt I bought her as a joke, but now only makes me hard when I see it. There's my pretty girl, looking freshly fucked with her "Daddy's Girl" shirt on.

Without even knowing my hand is now moving furiously and I feel this intense pressure at the bottom of my spine. Fuck. I take my other hand and reach down to give my balls a squeeze. My whole body jerks and I feel my cock twitch. "Fuck Angel, look at you, so pretty for daddy. Taking his cock so well down that pretty little throat." Fuck it's almost like she's really here. I can almost feel her mouth around me, bringing me closer and closer to the edge.

"Daddy's so close baby, just a little longer." My whole body is red with heat and there's a thin layer of sweat covering me. "I know my good girls gonna take it all down her throat, right? Yeah, I know you love it, my little slut." My hips buck off the bed and I let out a groan.

I'm so close, so fucking close. I look over at the picture one last time, my hand wrapped around my cock so deliciously and moving so fast I'm starting to see stars. As I take a closer look I notice she's staring right at the camera, lip between her teeth, and I completely lose it.

I barely make it 5 more seconds before my back is arching and my toes are curling, calling out Sydney's name as my white, hot cum covers my hands and lower stomach. In the heat of the moment I reach down and collect some of my cum, bringing it up to my lips and sucking my fingers clean. God, not as good as my Angel, but it'll do until she gets home.

Oh fuck I can't wait for her to get home so I didn't need to picture my hand as her cunt anymore.

My cock was already hard thinking about her once again.

Round two?


Sorry for the short updates but it's why we've done a double update today

Golden is coming!!!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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