"I love you."

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Bit different from what we usually do, but we hope you enjoy.


Those angel eyes, they showed me a long time that I fell for them without even realizing, I've never been the one to understand how or what I felt for so long. The feelings of anxiety and something stronge came swirling in my stomach every time she smiled at me, it felt weird and frightening to say the least feeling these things. I wanted to be honest on how I felt but I never knew exactly what it was until now, I watched Sydney walk in the room with someone else attached to her hip. The rage, the jealousy I expected wasn't there instead I felt like someone ripped my heart out as everything in body became numb.

I loved her. 5 years being friends with her and I figure out now that I'm in love with my best friend as I saw her smile at another man. The gaping feeling in my stomach returned but instead of that feeling of keeping me on my toes around her I felt like just crying. I wanted to be that person next to her, I wanted her like she did years ago and I told her I was confused on how I felt, I didn't understand the feelings I had. Years went by and we pretended nothing happened, that her feelings towards me and my undiscovered ones never existed, I regret not trying hard enough to understand. I just stared at her smiling at laughing at her date wishing that it was me next to her.

"You figured it out huh?" I looked over at Niall, seeing the sad look on his face, I gave him a tight smile as I stood up wanting to run from everything involving her.

"Harry?" I look behind me to see those big down eyes carrying a worried look "Estás frio. What are you doing?" She asked wrapping her arms around her body.

"I'm going home" I pulled the keys out of my pocket refusing to look at her feeling like I was going to explode on the new discovered feelings.

I grabbed all my stuff and walked out of the bar. I decided maybe some fresh air was what I needed, I'd come get my car tomorrow. The walk home left me alone with my thoughts, going over every minute of our friendship, all the chances I had to feel something, but I was too scared and confused to admit it to myself. It wasn't just the feeling of lust, that was for sure. She was beautiful of course, and I did want her in that way, but I wanted her heart. I wanted all of her. I wanted to wake up next to her, make her breakfast. I wanted to go on walks in the park with her. I wanted to fall asleep next to her. I already had her as my best friend, but I wanted every part of her. Before I knew it I had stumbled up to my front door, maybe the walk wasn't the best thing for me.

I fumbled with my keys laughing coldly on how stupid it was to come back to the place I knew would remind me of her, granted I did live with her. The door flew open with me being pulled along falling down at the main entrance, I winced a bit trying to see if I had woken her up but the silence gave me a green light.

I needed to stop thinking about her, even consumed by alchohol it's like it enhanced how I felt. It was suffocating and addictive the feeling of loving someone but at the same time it hurt knowing that those feelings will never be returned or even worse rejected.

"Imagine how she felt dumbass." I muttered to myself remembering the hurt in her eyes when I suggested only being friends. I couldn't even be angry at myself, I just pitied how stupid I was back then.I walked to the bathroom turning the lights on giving a small glance to the mirror as I went to the toilet but something caught my eyes, I looked horrible. My face was slim yet puffy as my eyes were swollen and red like I've been crying, have I cried? I don't remember crying at the bar thought although I dont remember much.

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