"The Tattoo."

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Hi angels, we've missed you.



Here I was, sitting and waiting to get the tattoo I had been dreaming about since I turned 18. It would be a pretty good size piece on my arm and I had no idea what to expect. I had made an appointment at one of the most well known and respected tattoo shops in my state, and was lucky enough to get an appointment with the most wanted artist here, Harry Styles. I had never seen him myself, we just talked on the phone, but I had heard stories about him. Everyone loved him. I had seen his work and it looked phenomenal, I don't know how I got lucky enough to get him.

My knee was bouncing up and down as I waited for him to come get me. It looked and smelled so clean in here but my anxiety was through the roof. I was tapping my fingers against my leg when I heard someone else walk into the room. "Sydney?" I looked up and my heart stopped. Fuck me. This was the guy that was doing my tattoo? He looked like a Greek god and I had no idea how I was going to sit so close to him, have him touching my skin, without passing out. I stood up, letting him know that I was Sydney and walked toward him. He smiled gently at me and signaled for me to follow him.

"You sure this is the tattoo you want on your arm?" His smooth voice brought goosebumps to my skin, his accent was so heart melting I barely was able to keep myself up.I nodded, it was a tattoo in memory of my mother, her favorite flowers would be marked on my skin forever. "Okay, take a seat baby." Oh shit.

My throat squeezed when he looked at me with those green eyes as I sat down on the chair laying down as he pushed my shoulder back, his warm touch against mine as it gave me the opportunity to see the ink on his arm, the ship, the mermaid and the bottle of booze. All so beautiful.

"Is it going to hurt?" I knew it was but I didn't know the extent of it. "It will hurt just a tad." He laughed while wiping the area with alcohol before putting the stencil on, "If you need me to stop, just tell me okay. But I'll take good care of you Angel."

I didn't know what was going to hurt worse, the million little stab wounds on my skin or the growing ache between my legs from him calling me pet names. "Alright so I'm just gonna place it on your arm and you tell me if it looks good, okay?" I nodded at him and my body tensed when his warm hands touched my skin. He placed the stencil and took a step back so he could look. I looked down and tears instantly welled up in my eyes. It looked so beautiful, so perfect. My mom would have loved it. "It's perfect." I looked up at him to see that he was already smiling at me. I blinked away the tears as he got the needle and ink ready.

He sat down beside me, scooting so that his leg was almost touching mine and he had a firm grip on my arm. I blew out a breath. "Okay, this'll just hurt a bit lovie, but after a while you won't even feel it anymore." I nodded, too scared to speak. He adjusted himself so that he was hunched over my arm, the light making the tattoo easy to see. "I'm about to start, but you gotta stay still for me lovie." I just muttered out a small yes, looking down to where the needle was hovering over me. He pressed it down and there was an instant flash of pain, but I knew I was completely fucked. He kept going, stopping every few seconds and each prick into my skin was sending a jolt to me core. He looked up, "This okay?" It was more than okay.

"Yes." The pain was bearable, I could feel the needle piercing skin letting the black ink seep in. I expected to cry or moan in pain like my friends were when they got theirs but strangely enough I felt turned on, the more painful it got the more turned on I felt. And it didn't help that Harry's thigh was glued to mine feeling his warmth radiate to me, the gentleness of his fingers cleaning the leftover ink off my arm before he looked up with those green eyes watching if I was okay.

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