"Mr. Styles."

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I walked in, ready for another tedious lecture on literature from Mr. Brown, seeing his tired eyes explain a passionate romance with zero passion and 100% 'why am i even here' look in his eyes. I blew a breath opening the door loudly even though I knew I was late, but my eyes landed on a man who stood at the small stage, his eyes focused on the book in his hand -God he was fucking beautiful.

His eyes turned to me, widening just a bit before straightening his back looking at a sheet, eyeing me at the same time."Miss Brooks?" He questioned looking at my legs before travling back to my face as a small smile perched on my lips.

"Angel. You can call me Angel" I replied seeing his cheeks flame red. He was young but older than me, probably by 3 years. "I'm Mr.Styles, the sub for a few weeks." Few weeks? Oh, okay then. I better make the most of it.

I felt all eyes on me as I made my way to my seat, especially his. Im feeling pretty thankful I got stuck being sat in the front of the class. I pushed passed the others, finally sitting down. I looked around to see the other girls, and some guys, in my class practically drooling over Mr. Styles. He had a small smirk on his lips, he liked the attention. I saw his eyes glance over me, a smug look taking over his face.

He was hot, I would give him that

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He was hot, I would give him that. Hell, I'd happily just look at him all day, but that's not the game I play. I wouldn't let him know the affect he had on me or give him the satisfaction of knowing how attracted I was to him. I'm always down for a good game, but I play to win.

"Good night, good night! parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say good night till it be morrow." He began to recite, his lips moving around the words he pronounced. Small glances he'd give me before looking at the rest of the class. His green eyes looked up to me again holding my gaze for a while as I bit my lower lip, making his eyes flicker towards them.

"Does anyone know where that quote is from?" The room was silent as if nobody had actually touched a novel or a literature book, like it wasn't the actual class. "It's from the play Romeo and Juliet, Mr. Styles." My voice came forth and I was sure to make his name sound very lustful, a smile creeped on his lips as he nodded along to my words. " You're correct Miss... Angel." He laughed as he used my nickname and it sounded good, especially when it came from his mouth.

I willed away the blush coming to my cheeks. Don't let him win. Don't let him win. I felt the glare of the girls around me. If looks could kill... I'd be 6 feet under. I let out a chuckle at their expense and looked back up to see Mr.Styles already looking at me. I gave him a wink and looked away, but slow enough that I saw his jaw clench and his eyes darken. Time was dragging by terribly slow, but I couldn't complain too much. Having to look at him for the next hour and a half would probably be the highlight of my day. He continued talking and we all began to take notes, finally getting into the swings of things until a girl a few seats down, Charlotte was her name I think, decided she needed to get some of his attention. I look over just in time to see her practically hurl her pencil over the desk, it landing a few feet away from Mr. Styles.

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