"Mr. Styles. Part II"

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  the wait makes everything more delicious


It's been one week since Mr. Styles showed up to be our sub. One week since I touched myself in front him, and everyone else I guess... One week since we kissed. One week since I gave him my fucking lace panties.

When I showed up that next class, I expected to be teased and do some teasing of my own... but that's not how it went. He has not said one word to me, other than calling out, "Miss Brooks" when taking attendance. No lustful looks sent my way, not even a smile. Hell, he hasn't even sent me a glare, he's just completely ignored me.

I was livid.

I've tried to get his attention, wearing my tight pants or wearing my low cut top, but he's not giving in. Yet. I was not gonna let him spit all that shit to me about "playing a dangerous game" and then the next second he pretends it never happened? Okay, maybe I was also a little hurt, but that didn't matter. I was gonna confront him today. I was gonna find out what the fuck his problem was.

I walked into this office knowing that it would be empty since he had just gotten his break from his classes. I expected him to be surprised at me there, showing up out of the blue but as I closed the door behind me a smirk came on his lips looking at me with raised eyebrows. "Miss Brooks, how can I help you?" Mr.Styles smiled devilishly at me as I glared.

"I came to ask if you gave up on the 'dangerous game' we've been playing

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"I came to ask if you gave up on the 'dangerous game' we've been playing." I put my hands on the checkered skirt I was wearing, it was shorter than anything I've worn to class as I figured I would get something out of him with it. He just laughed continuing to write something down on a piece of paper. "Are you afraid to lose?" I teased but I got no reaction making me huff. "Scared of sinning? To scared to fuck me?" He looked at me with a raised eyebrow pushing his chair back with a slick smile.

"No, I just like how frustrated you get when I don't give you attention Angel" I stiffened looking at him as his green eyes stared into my brown ones waiting for my witty response.

"If that's the game you want to play, then fine. I'm sure there's another professor on this campus that would be glad to give me all the attention I want." His jaw clenched as I backed away from his desk, giving him a smirk before I turned around, heading towards the door. I didn't make it 2 steps before I heard his footsteps coming toward me. I caught him off guard as I turned around, letting out a chuckle at his eagerness. "Need something Mr. Styles?"

He grabbed my wrist and tugged me toward him, our chests almost touching. "Don't." I smiled up at him, knowing I was winning our little game. "Or what Mr. Styles? What are you gonna do if I go somewhere else to get what I need?"

"Don't you fuckin dare." He traced his lips along my jaw as he whispered in my ear tightening his grip on my waist."You think you are so hot." He muttered leaving small kisses along the side of my neck as my fingers curled around his blazer clenching them as Mr. Styles scraped his teeth on the sweet spot of my neck as I bit my lip holding a moan.

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