"All eyes on you."

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Watching. The thought of watching, of being watched, turned me on more than I cared to admit. I wasn't embarrassed, I was just worried Harry wouldn't be interested and things would be awkward.

I'm always underestimating him.

So here we are, outside of this place, Eve's Apple,  fixing to go inside where it would be filled with beautiful, sexy people and I was a jumble of nerves. Harry squeezed my hand and began to lead me inside. He opened the door, not bothering to knock, and the sound of sensual music and the smell of sweat and sex almost knocked me over. Fuck.

A large green neon sign in the back of the room written Eve's Apple.Everyone in the room searching for a partner to please or to be pleased. A few people wore masks, probably embarrassed of showing their faces or someone recognizing them. I held my breath as I saw a couple fucking in the corner of the room with a threesome happening right beside them.

"Different then what you expected, Angel?" I heard Harry laugh as his eyes scanned the room, lingering on a masked woman grinding on a stripper pole, smiling at the mix of men and women looking at her hungrily.
"No, I just didn't expect so many people." I yelled through the loud music, my eyes locked with an attractive man who winked at me motioning to come towards him. I looked down to see another man sucking him off making me gasp.

"People love the attention baby " Harry whispered in my ear as he followed my gaze smirking at the man "Don't you like the attention?"

My face flushed red. I always knew this kind of thing would turn me on, but fuck. This was hot. I was trembling, and it wasn't because of the nerves anymore. We slowly started to make our way further into the room, looking at all that was going on around us. I look over to my left to see a beautiful woman, laying on her back, with another beautiful woman's head stuffed between her thighs. Her head was thrown back in pleasure and I could hear her moans over the thumping of the music in my ears. They look so beautiful, so sexy. I feel Harry tug on my hand, trying to get my attention. "They caught your eye baby? You wish you were over there?" I let out a sigh. I was fucked.

"Yes" I admitted, but they seemed content with themselves. I was taken aback when I felt a hand on my lower back as the same man I saw before came into our view. "Are you new here?" He asked, showing his white teeth, looking at both of us with the same exact lust. "I'm Samuel, the owner of the club. All our clients look for pleasure in many different ways." I could see that when a woman on a sex swing behind him was moaning louder than the music in here.

"Remember consent is everything in my Club, it's a strict rule." I looked at Harry but he was too busy watching two women grind on each other with their eyes locked on him. "And as a gift...would you like to join me?" Samuel asked, extending his hand. Feeling bold and already jealous of the attention Harry was getting I replied quickly, "I would love to." I smiled innocently letting him pull me away.

I looked back to see Harry still looking at the two women, not even noticing my absence and a wave of jealousy swept over me. I turn back to Samuel with a small smile. "Nervous darling?" I blushed up at him, "A little." He smiled down at me, a genuine smile, "No need to be nervous, you're in great hands." I suddenly felt a tug on my arm and looked over my shoulder to see a very dark eyed Harry, jaw clenched and no hint of amusement on his face. "There you are Angel, I thought I lost you." I scoffed at him. "Yeah H, you were too busy staring at those girls to notice I was gone." I knew the entire point of being here was to watch other people and try something new, but the way they were staring at him, like he was a meal, made me stomach turn. He was mine.

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