"The Call."

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I was laying in bed, trying to distract myself from the ache between my legs. Harry was gone for work, shooting the Golden music video. I was so excited for it, he was making me wait like everyone else but I knew it was gonna be amazing.

I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 9 am. Fuck. That means Harry was definitely on set and I shouldn't disturb him, but it was getting almost painful and he was the only one that could soothe that ache. I sat there for about another half our debating if I should call him or not and eventually I gave in. He was always willing to take care of me, even when I didn't need it, but I really needed it right now.

I reached down and slipped off my underwear, wanting to be fully ready for when I got him on the phone. I picked up my phone and dialed his number quickly and after a few rings it went to voicemail. I huffed out but waited for the beep so that I could leave a message. Once I heard it I immediately started talking. "Harry, baby, please call me back. I know you're working and really busy but I need you so bad. Need your help H please." I hung up the phone and laid back on the bed, resisting the urge to touch myself. I wanted to wait for him.

It must have been another 15 minutes and I had started to doze off when the ringing of my phone snapped me straight awake. I looked over and my core ached at the name flashing on the screen.


"Hello?" I smiled,biting my lip on how quickly he actually called back.I could hear the noise in the background of the crew and everything. I could also hear his panting like he was rushing to find a place to hide.

"Not very nice of you to leave me that kind of voicemail. I nearly came in my pants hearing that needy voice" Harry's lust filled voice spoke through the phone as I laughed sitting up a bit hearing a door close from his end. He was taking time off his schedule to talk to me.

"Still wet baby?"

"Soaking" I slipped my fingers in my underwear feeling how soaken I was, my core clenched just picturing him feeling my heat for himself watching him lift his wet fingers in his mouth telling me how sweet I am.

"Always so good for me huh baby" He praised making me smile "If only I was there, make that tight cunt of yours feel good."

"Hearing you whimper as I play with your clit just the way you like it, feeling your pulse hammer against my lips as I bite down your neck" I circled my clit trying to mimic his action but not nearly as satisfied but just picturing him on top of me was turning me on even more.

I was already panting and we had barely started. "Harry, please." He chuckled into the phone as I moved my fingers faster against me. "Please? So needy baby. Here I am at work and you wanna call me just so you can get off? That's a naughty girl." I whined into the phone, the sound of his voice only making me more needy. "S-Sorry H, I know you're working I just...just needed you."

"I know baby, and ill give you what you need, but you've gotta be my good girl okay? Gotta listen." I nodded quickly before I remembered that he couldn't see me. "Yes, promise. I'll be good." He hummed into the phone before I could hear what sounded like the zipper of his pants. "Go ahead and reach down f'me baby. Rub that pretty little clit nice and slow." I moaned out into the air, obeying him instantly.

"Got me so hard Angel, now I've got to take care of the both of us."

"Feels so good Harry, not as good as you though." I could practically see the smirk on his face. "Oh I know baby. Trust me I'd rather have those pretty little lips wrapped around my cock right now instead of my fist." His words shot straight to my core.

"You don't know how hard you have me baby." I heard him swallow a grunt as he took a deep breath. I circled my clit more determined, getting off of the idea of him thinking about him, having a ring filled hand pumping him pulsing cock.

"Just thinking about how your laying in bed touching yourself, how I'd turn you around and fuck that tight cunt of yours until you beg me for you to cum"

I let out a loud moan at his words slipping my fingers in my core feeling it tighten around the two fingers that easily slipped in. The messaged my walls as I moaned again trying to reach that spot Harry doesn't even try hard to reach, his fingers reaching my spot with ease on the first thrust.

"I wish these were your fingers. I can't reach" I whined, I was so close from the spot. "I rather have my fingers thrusting inside you making you feel so good. Make you cum in a matter of seconds."

My back arched off the bed as I heard him let out a moan. "Fuck Angel, wish I was there. Wish I had my head buried in between those pretty thighs until you were twitching for me." I moved my hand faster feeling my orgasm building deep in my belly. "Wish you were too. Wish I could taste you right now, m'craving it."

"FuckI know you are, baby. My good girl always wants a taste of my cock, yeah? Need it don't you, baby." I couldn't even form the words anymore, barely getting out a mumbled yes as I heard the slapping of skin over the phone. Just picturing him right now was almost enough to send me over the edge. "M'close H."

"Yeah? You gonna cum for me? Gonna make a mess of the sheets? I wanna hear you scream my name when you cum. Wanna know who makes you feel this good."

"Only you Harry" I moaned, my free hand coming up to my chest engulfing my breast in it as I squeezed it as I sharp gasp came from my lips. I pinched the pink tip as my core clenched so hard I thought I would cut my fingers circulation.

"Want you so bad Harry" I mumbled hearing his breathing falter knowing he was as close like me "I want to feel you inside me"

"Oh Angel" He moaned as I knew he was clenching his jaw as he sped his hand.

"I want you bitting every inch of a fuckin body" My voice came out chopping from how hard I was fucking my cunt. I was struggling to even stay still, my back arching even more I was wondering if it'll snap at any moment, I had to keep my legs prayed open as my toes curled feeling the pressure in my lower back suffocate my entire body

"When I get home, you don't know the half of what I'm gonna do to that cunt of yours" He hissed as I gasped for air trying to hold my orgasm. Make it more powerful.
"Fuck... just hearing you is triggering my release" Harry's voice was shaky as well as I moaned from it "But I want my angel to cum first, can you do that for me baby? Be a good girl and cum"

It words triggered my own orgasm, my body tenseing and my toes curling as I screamed his name into the air. I was sure it was loud enough to hurt his ears but based off the loud moan he let out, he didn't care.

"Fuck fuck Angel. So close. I'm so close, right there baby." I could tell he had reached his own high as he let out a loud sigh of relief. We both sat there, panting and trying to catch our breath as we came down from our high. "Feel better baby?" I smiled at his sweet tone, my body fully relaxed. "Yes, thank you for calling me back. I'm sorry, I know you're busy." He shushed me as I laid there giggling.

"Don't be sorry. I've always got time for my Angel."

See you in a bit Angel's....

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