"Wanna go for a ride Angel"

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I grabbed my keys and helmet off the table, already heading towards the garage. Zayn had texted me a few minutes ago asking to go to a bar with him; I can never say no to him.

I froze in my spot as I saw my roommate Sydney slowly grind herself on my bike, her eyes were squeezed tight as a small gasp left her lips. I watched her jeans shorts ride up as she went a little faster. Just watching her was sending all my blood down towards my cock.

"Are you havin fun there Angel?" I couldn't help but ask, seeing her eyes shoot open and a yelp passed her lips as she tried to get off the bike only causing her to fall.

I rushed over to help her, letting out a chuckle as I helped her off the ground. She muttered a small "thank you" but refused to look up at me. I could see the red in her cheeks and a smirk found its way upon my face.

"So, what were you doing out here on my bike?" She glares up at me. "Fuck off Harry. I'm sorry I was on your bike. I'm going inside now so you can leave." A wave of regret went over me for teasing her when I knew that was the hottest thing I had ever seen. I grabbed her arm as she turned to walk inside and brought her close to my chest so I could lean down and whisper in her ear, "Not so fast Angel, who's to say I didn't like what I saw?"

"Harry." She warned as I pulled away to see her reaction. Her eyes were already blown with arousal and the way that her chest was slightly touching mine from how deep she was breathing made me dizzy. My hands slipped from her arm, sliding down her side to her waist as I pulled her closer.

"Who were you thinking about Angel?" I asked as her body froze when I slipped my hand underneath her shirt feeling her warm bare skin. She looked up at me, eyes a mix of lust and hesitation. She was gonna give in, I could feel it.

"I said, who were you thinking about Angel? Who were you thinking about when you were grinding your little cunt against my motorcycle?" Her breath hitched and I could tell I had won. "Y-you" she stutters out. A look of satisfaction covers my face. "Me? Well then Angel, what were you thinking about me, huh?"

Her lips parted in what seemed to be shock. I was going to take care of her, hell at this point I was craving it, but I needed to hear those words fall out of her pretty little lips first. I needed to hear how much she wanted me and what she wanted me to do for her.

"You touching me" Sydney answered more determined, her eyes staying locked with mine. I have craved her for so long, having to hold my breath when she whispered something in my ear or teased me and now I find out my little Angel has been getting herself off by thinking of me. "Where do I touch you?" I asked, gripping the flesh of her side "Here?"

"No" it was almost like she answered in a quiet moan.

"What about here?" I brought my hands up to her throat, giving a light squeeze. Her eyes darkened even more, if that was possible, and a whimper, a fucking whimper, left her mouth. If I wasn't rock hard before, I definitely was now. I had to stop myself from pushing her on her knees, right now this was about her. It was about what she wanted, and what my Angel wanted, my Angel would get.

"Touch me please Harry" she whispered. I took a deep breath, trying to control myself. "I'll do whatever you want Angel, promise. You just gotta tell me first." What she did next caught me off guard and I felt my cock twitch. She took my hand that was around her neck and slid it down her body. Making sure to touch every inch of skin before we reached the waistband of her shorts.

"Touch.Me." A grunt left my lips and she pushed my hand inside her shorts. God she was practically dripping, I couldn't control myself anymore.With my other hand I popped the button of her shorts open, pushing them down just enough for me to have free range. My fingers wrapped around her throat as I squeezed.I teased her slit, collecting all her arousal on my fingers before pressing on her clit.

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