"Been waiting for you."

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Forgive us please? We love you!


I had known Harry for as long as I could remember. He'd been best friends with my brother since we were kids. He's always been an annoying prick, but insanely hot. I don't just mean attractive, I mean drop dead fucking gorgeous. It's unfair really.

But that brings us to where we are now.

It was around 3 am and I was heading downstairs to get a drink of water. Harry was staying over tonight, something that had become a weekly routine for him and my brother. So, I wasn't too surprised when I walked into the kitchen, in only an oversized tee and panties, to see the Greek God himself, leant against the counter. No shirt, of course. Just my fucking luck.

"Harold." I said, lips in a thin line. "Sydney." He looked me up and down with a smirk. He always had that damn smirk on his face. I brushed past him to make my way to the fridge. I opened it up and looked for a few minutes before I felt him come up behind me.

The sexual tension has been there for a few years... I just refuse to acknowledge it.

I felt him press himself closer to me, my back pressed against his bare chest. He was so warm and toned. Fuck. I wouldn't let him get a reaction out of me though, that was all he wanted. He was always playing some game with me.

He leant down further until his lips found my ear, breathing out against my neck. I felt a tingle run down my spine and I stiffened. I knew he felt it too because he smirked against my ear. "Harry, what are you doing?" I tried to hold my ground, not giving in. He hummed against me, tongue slipping out to trace the shell of my ear and I shuttered.

"Mhm just looking for a snack, I'm starving Angel."

"Harry, stop with the games" I laughed, rolling my eyes and pushing him away from me as I tried to make it to the fridge. My victory was short lived as he grabbed my waist spinning me around so we were face to face.
My chest pressing against his as my nipples instantly hardened.I hoped he didn't notice the redness of my cheeks and the hardness of my nipples.

"What game? I've never played games with you Angel." His voice was smooth, almost hushed as his hand sat on my cheek caressing the skin. I looked at him confused, trying to see if his serious eyes would break into a humorous one but it never did."I've always been honest with you baby."

"Harry..." I breathed out, recounting all the times he said he wanted to kiss me, to touch me, have our bodies pressed together -I swore it was a joke and sexual tension that would never amount to anything.
"Come on Sydney. You think I really never wanted to kiss these lips?" My eyes went wide at his bluntness as his thumb traced my lower lip as he licked his own.

"C'mon Syd, open up." My lips parted in shock, but mostly because he told me to. He smirked as he saw me easily obeying him. He wasted no time in slipping two of his fingers into my mouth. I closed my lips around him, so confused on why this was turning me on so much. "Go ahead Angel, suck my fingers like you'd suck my cock. Show me how good you are." I listened quickly, humming around him. Fuck. This was so hot. His eyes darkened and his breathing deepened. He let me go for a few more seconds before he pulled his fingers out of my mouth and grabbed my chin to force my eyes to meet his.

"So, wanna see how serious I am Angel?"

"Mitch will hear us Harry..." I whispered, afraid that my older brother would see us but at the same time I couldn't muster an ounce of care. "You'll have to be quiet then Angel, can you do that?" He asked as his hands slid down my body stopping right above the hem of my shirt. I was unable to speak, afraid that I'd let out a moan "I need words baby."

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