"You think this is funny?"

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I closed my eyes letting Sydney, my stylist, work through the knots in my hair from the show. Her touch was a bit to soft since there were only light tugs on my hair but I could see she was struggling with the quiet frustrated grunts she was making.

I held in the urge to laugh thinking that she'd be embarrassed that I was actually paying attention to her, which I was. I watched her plump red lips press in a thin line as her eyes glared at my hair, her loose shirt was giving a great view of her perfect round chest. A moan slipped through my lips as she tugged my hair forcefully with her fingers, my eyes snapped open looking at her through the mirror seeing the other crew members looking at the both of us.

I cleared my throat, glancing around to see everyone give me a weird look, but quickly go back to their work. I looked back up behind me to see Sydney staring at the floor, cheeks flushed red. I started to mumble, embarrassment taking over me. "I- I'm so sorry Syd, I dont know what happened I ju-..." She cut me off with a shake of her head. Fuck. She was pissed. I looked up again, expecting to see her glaring at me, but to my surprise she held a small smirk on her face, tugging my hair again.

I couldn't help but moan, I literally slapped my hand over my mouth seeing only a few people look over at us again. I glared at Sydney, seeing she was enjoying this too much, her fingers massaging my scalp before giving it a rough tug. I bite my lip forcefully keeping the loud moan from slipping out, her small giggles keep getting louder  each time she did it, ignoring the people who looked at us confused. I had to hold a magazine over my crotch as some people came over to me -they really didnt need to see my hard cock. And this little tease always picked the wrong time to yank on my hair making me literally moan in the middle of a sentence.

"Okay, everyone out" My voice was a bit high due to the extreme embarrassment of literally moaning in three people's faces today. With everyone bolting out the door I turned to glare at Sydney who was laughing until she saw my face.

"Think this is funny Angel? I asked, turning my full body towards her removing the magazine from my crotch. "Harry. I-I'm sor" Her eyes were wide as she looked at me like she did something wrong. Oh on the contrary.

"You think it's funny Angel? Making me rock hard in front of everyone?" She opened her mouth, about to say something but snapped it shut. "Oh, you were so quick to misbehave earlier, but now that it's just me and you, you're suddenly so quiet." I pushed myself out of the chair, seeing her take a step back as I made my way around to her.

"You gonna answer me baby? Or are you just gonna stand there with your mouth hung open?" I took ahold of her chin, forcing it up until she was looking me straight in the eyes. I raised my brow, challenging her. "N-no it wasn't funny."

"Oh but you laughed Angel, quite a bit actually." I licked my lips seeing her eyes follow my tongue "You couldn't help but to laugh."

"I-" She looked completely flustered, the same look I wore a few seconds ago. "So quiet now huh... no more laughing?" I asked trying to tease her a bit as she just looked at me as if she was finding a way out with a lie. "I don't need words to tell me you liked it." Her eyes shot up wider than before, looking at me like I didn't notice how she bite her lip or how dark her eyes would get when I moaned. "Pressing you're thighs together wont help you right now Angel." I looked at her legs seeing them separate from what they were before. "If Im this hard, I can only imagine the state you're in."

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