"Movie Night."

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We love Halloween around here.


The smell of popcorn made me smile as I dumped the buttery deliciousness into a bowl. Nadia had invited our friend group to her house to watch some Halloween movies together, which no one was opposed to. Everyone was here, Zayn, Mitch, Sarah and of course...Harry Styles.

I hated that smug bastard, he always thought he was too good for everything. The way he smiled or smirked towards me irked me and now I had to spend the whole night with him.

"Come on Syd, it's starting." I heard Mitch call me as I hurried, trying not to miss the intro of The Conjuring. I was supposed to sit next to Nadia to share my popcorn but Sarah was already in my spot. I let out a grimace when I saw the only available seat was next to him.

He smiled innocently at me patting the empty seat beside him as I reluctantly walked over and sat down with a frown on my face as I heard him snicker beside me."Oh bite me." I muttered angrily looking at his green eyes.

"You would like that wouldn't you?" He mocked, his voice coming out sexual, smooth and hot. Fuck couldn't deny that he turned me on. "No I wouldn't." He hummed at me, obviously not believing me but I didn't care. He held out some of the blanket that was covering him to me, and I pulled it over my lap. Mitch got up to turn off the lights before sitting back down on the couch. My thigh was almost touching Harry's and I could feel the heat between us. He may have been a smug asshole, but he was hot. So fucking hot.

The beginning of the movie started to play and I felt Harry's fingertips brush against my leg. I looked over and he just stared at the screen, seeming to be interested in the movie. Maybe it was an accident? A few minutes later I felt it again, this time he gave a little pinch. I glanced back at him to see him smirking with his eyes trained on the tv.

I glared at him seeing that he did it just to piss me off. I rolled my eyes as he winked at me as I put a few pieces of popcorn in my mouth. I've seen The Conjuring a million times yet every time I get goosebumps over my body from the creepy scenes.

Harry sat up a bit as I looked at one of his legs that he was propping up onto the couch, his eyes glued to the screen as I did the same, ignoring how his leg made the blanket on my lap rise up making a large space between me and the fabric. As I grabbed another handful of popcorn I froze when I felt his hands set on my knee, his large rough hand just lightly touching the skin. I didn't dare look at him, but in a small side glance I saw that he didn't turn away from the screen.

What was he up to?

I didn't react as his fingers drew small circles on my skin almost relaxing if it wasn't making my body start to heat up. I cleared my throat, trying my best to not show how his touch was affecting me. I moved in my seat, my leg shifting so that his hand fell to the space between us on the couch. I looked forward as I saw him lightly chuckle to himself.

It couldn't have been more than 5 minutes later before his warm hand was back on my leg, this time going up a little and resting on my thigh. My whole body tensed as he ran his hand up and down. Each time he would get closer towards my inner thigh, making me bite my lip. After a few minutes he stopped moving his hand, but had it placed over the expanse of my inner thigh. His fingertips were lightly digging into the flesh there and my hips began to shift as my core started to ache.

"You okay there baby?" His raspy voice whispered as I held my eyes locked towards the screen swallowing hard. "Yes, I'm fine" I forced out of my mouth setting the bowl of popcorn away from me as the hunger for something else grew. I hated how I wanted him.

I hate him yet I want to fuck him.

My thoughts were cleared out when a gasp left my lips when I felt his pinky gently trace the outside of my loose shorts, he traced my slit slowly trying to see if I was wet, I was and I prayed he couldn't feel it. I let another loud gasp when he pressed his finger to my clit
"You okay Sydney?" Nadia asked as my face grew red from embarrassment as I nodded clearing my throat,
"I just forgot that part" I referred to the movie as she nodded seemingly to buy my lie.

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