"Good Boy."

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Don't forget to breathe Angel's

Today's chapter is purrrfect

"Baby?" I called in the empty house, I frowned confused on why she hasn't answered for the third time.

The text said 'come home I have a surprise' but she was nowhere to be found, I walked into the bathroom, kitchen and livingroom all was left was the bedroom. I stood in front of the door seeing an orange like seep through as I was already on what she had in store for me, my jeans were already thigh on how fast my cock harden just thinking about her laying naked on the bed.

"Angel-" Her name caught in my throat as I saw the ring of candles around our white bed and laying on it was Sydney. But she wasn't naked.

She wore a skin tight black suit literally a second skin for her, I recognized it immediately seeing it was the orginal cat woman suit, her curves fitted perfectly with it showing everything and leaving nothing to the imagination. My cock grew harder as I watched her lick her lips as get up slowly, her legs spread apart as I watched her grab something, a small whip in her hands as she smiled while testing the whip on her hand as she hissed sensually.

"Ouch.... stings so good" She purred out as I just stared at her "Cat caught your tongue baby?" Her smile widened

"I...uh...what's going on?" I stuttered out, her stare making my breathing become uneven. "Well baby, I thought that I could be in charge today, make you feel so good." My knees felt week at her words and I had to hold on to the door to steady myself. I didn't even know what to say. I couldn't form any words as I watched her move off the bed and walk towards me slowly, a smirk evident on her face. "I-"

She stopped right in front of me, placing her finger in the middle of my lips and letting out a quiet "Shhh". My cock was throbbing at this point and I felt a little light headed. "Be a good boy and go get on the bed. I want all clothes off except for your underwear. Understand?" I nodded but that wasn't good enough for her. She brought her hand up, slightly digging her nails into my shoulder and my whole body shivered. She cocked her brows at me, waiting.

"Yes, I understand." She gave me a small smile and a nod of her head. "Go on then."

I walked over towards the bed, doing as she said and stripping down to just my underwear. I climbed up on the bed and turned so that my legs were hanging of the edge and I was facing her. She licked her lips as she watched me and my cock twitched. I was so hard you could see the outline of my erection, my tip threatening to poke out the band of my underwear. My hands clenched the sheets as I tried my best not to touch myself and relieve some of the ache.

"What a view" She curled her lips in a smirk bitting her lower lip

"Look at how hard you are. And I didn't even start" Her hands smoothed up my legs before clawing down making me hiss in pain as she giggled. She crawled on my body making sure I could feel the latex she was wear, her face centimeters from hers. I watched a smile spread on her lips before she licked my lower lip with a giggle as I tried to go in for a kiss, her hands grabbed my wrist lifting them up until the headband of the bed, my head shot up when I felt something leathery wrap around them seeing two cuffs securely keeping them in place

"We're gonna have so much fun baby boy" She purred in my ear before bitting it as I let out a moan
"Remember our safe word?" There's Sydney, her worried eyes looking down me as I smiled licking my lips nodding,"Watermelons" She broke character by genuinely laughing at the stupid safe word that we never used.

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