"Need some help?"

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I don't know how we got here.

Harry has been teasing me all day, whether it's making comments or being all touchy. It's driving me insane. He won't give me what I want though, and while at first it was funny, I'm not laughing anymore.

If he won't take care of me how I need him to, I'll do it myself.

I waited until I was sure Harry was watching me before I hopped off the couch and walked to our bedroom. I shut the door behind me but didn't lock it, I knew Harry would be making his way in here soon.

I took off my shirt and shorts, leaving me in just my black, lacy underwear. I looked in the mirror and took down my hair, watching my curls hang loosely over my bare shoulders. I decided I had been teased enough for the day, so I jumped up on the bed and got comfortable.

Harry still wasn't in here, but I knew he would be soon.

I layed back against the pillows and began slowly working myself up. I began playing with my breasts, pinching my nipples lightly, making me arch my back off the bed. I let out a small moan, just loud enough for myself to hear. I moved my hands down toward where I needed them most, where I was aching for some relief.

I slowly bent my knees so my feet were flat on the bed and spread them open little by little. Being in here alone, knowing I was about to give in to my urges, with Harry just on the other side of the door, was making my arousal pool at my entrance. I was soaked already.

I began to rub my hands up and down my thighs. My breath got caught in my throat as I reached my inner thigh. I couldn't help but let a little whimper escape my lips, being so close to where I needed to be touched the most.

I brushed my fingers over my underwear and felt my clit, swollen and aching and I let out a gasp. It felt so good already, I would have to give in. I couldn't wait any longer. I slipped my underwear down my legs quickly and got back into my previous position. I ran my hand back down to my clit and started to circle it slowly. Shit I thought, I was dripping.

It didn't feel as good as when Harry did it, but it would do for now.

I quickened my pace once the pleasure started to take over, picuring Harry hovering over me, imagining that it was his fingers instead of my own. I could practically feel his breath on my neck. I could feel his hair tickling my chest. I could feel the coolness of rings brushing against my clit as he pushed a finger into me. I could hear the dirty things he'd be whispering into my ear, I've barely touched you and you looked freshly fucked already and mhm such a good girl, look at you. A little whimpering mess you are.

I guess I didn't realize how carried away I had gotten, or how loud I was being because next thing I know I'm hearing the bedroom door slam. My head shoots up to see a smirking Harry standing at the foot of the bed, eyebrows raised and a smirk on his face. My face flushed, fingers still on my clit and legs still spread. He raked his eyes down my body, paused at my dripping cunt and licked his lips, smirk never leaving. He dragged his eyes back up to my face and lets out a low chuckle.

"Heard you calling for me baby." His eyes were dark looking at the mess I created, he stalked towards me carefully and slowly like he was the hunter and I was his prey. "Look at my little angel teasing herself"

Goosebumps rose from my skin as he lifted his hands setting it on my ankle tracing a gentle pattern, the smirk on his face widened as he moved his fimgers higher seeing that my breathing become erratic.

"Tell me Angel, what were you thinking?" I let out a strangled moan as his rough hands cupped my heat, teasing my slit to see how wet I was. His thumb found my clit circling it dangerously slow, making me squirm underneath his hand. "Answer me." He demanded, holting his thumb after I didn't answer.

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