Chapter Two

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~•Y/n First Person POV•~

"You shouldn't have egged him on," Kageyama spoke up, once Hinata was far enough away.

"That's a little rude, don't you think?" I shot back. "I was just trying to be nice. Plus, I meant what I was saying."

"It's honest," he replied. "You're just inflating his ego."

"What you call inflating his ego, I call giving him confidence," I smiled.

"I hate when you do that."

"Do what?"

"You make an argument, then smile. It's confusing and it pisses me off."

"Oh, Kageyama, that's the point." I smiled once more. "Now, let's go inside. You can see Ukai again." We walked into the convenience store; the cigarette in Ukai's mouth nearly fell out. "Ukai, that reaction isn't allowed anymore. You already know he and I are friends. You've known this for a while."

"I just forget that Kageyama is dating someone," he responded. "And that someone is you."

"No, Ukai, we're just friends," I corrected him.

"Who said we were friends?" Kageyama added.

"Okay, now you're pushing it." I rolled my eyes. Kageyama grinned a bit. There we go.

"Anyway, what are you two doing here?" Ukai asked. "It's nearly eleven."

"Well, I would've made it here sooner if someone answered my text," I sneered at Kageyama.

"I was at practice!" Kageyama said in his defense.

"Yeah, whatever."

It was in moments like these that reminded me of how long I've actually know Ukai. It feels like far too long. Ukai has been in my life almost as long as Kageyama has. Seven years. I remember every detail of us meeting for the first time. He was just nineteen and I was nine.

"L/n! You next babysitter is going to be here in five minutes! I'm leaving now!" Sasha, my second babysitter of the day, called from the living room. I didn't say anything, I just let her leave. Five minutes later, my third babysitter walked to the house. I don't recognize him. I thought Ukai was supposed to be coming at this time.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Ukai's grandson Ukai, Keishin," he said. "I'm gonna babysit you today because he's not feeling too well."

I paused. "You're Ukai Two."

"What was that?" he questioned.

"Your grandfather is Ukai One, so you're Ukai Two," I explained. Ukai Two just smiled in response.

It wasn't until then until I decided to study him. He had long blonde hair and a lot piercings; he would later take out some of those piercings in his adulthood. He was pretty tall too, and wore an expression of someone who was uncomfortable. He doesn't look like someone who would play with me.

"Do you want dinner? It's pretty late and I'm sure you're hungry," he offered. I nodded in response. Ukai Two went to the kitchen and opened the cabinet, only to realize the house was filled with snacks, and no actual meals. "Let's go out to eat." He turned to me. "We can go to the convenience store and get whatever you want."

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked abruptly.


"Why are you being so nice to me?" I repeated. "Nobody has ever offered to go out."

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