Chapter Nine

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~•Y/n First Person POV•~

"So when are you guys gonna have your happily ever after?"

Wait. Let me tell you how we got there.

I went to Tobio's house for dinner. The first thing I saw when I opened the door was Miwa putting clips in his hair. I giggled a bit and shut the door. When they heard the door shut they both snapped their attention to me.

"N/n!" Miwa cheered.

"Oi! You could have knocked!" Tobio reprimanded as he quickly pulled the clips out of his hair.

"Don't be rude, Tobio!" Nami walked into the living room. "They don't need to knock anymore. Y/n's been with us for so long they're practically apart of the family!" She made her way over to me for a hug. "It's great to see you again."

"It's great to see you too, Nami!" I hugged her back. "I'm sorry for not being around as often."

"Don't blame yourself." She looked at her son. "Blame my son for not bringing you home more. Seriously, you two should come around here again."

"Mom." Tobio rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to go finish cooking dinner," she announced. I offered her help, but she declined me.

"N/n! N/n! N/n!" Miwa began tugging on my hand. "Can I please please, please play with your hair? I play with Tobi's all the time!"

I laughed a bit and gave her permission. I sat on the floor and Miwa ran to turn the tv on. She put on Beauty and the Beast and sat on the couch behind me. Tobio sat on the ground beside me. I could hear Miwa lightly singing the opening song behind me.

"This is the millionth time she's watched this movie," Tobio said.

"Don't complain," I replied. "Belle is a good princess. Someone who actually cares about reading and knowledge is good for Miwa to admire."

"It's still annoying," he huffed.

"It's better than Sleeping Beauty," I said.

"How?" he asked.

"Are you kidding?" I exclaimed. "She didn't do anything that whole movie! She found her lover on accident because she was singing. Then she pricked her finger, woke up, and got rewarded for her stupidity with a whole castle and royal family. I wouldn't exactly say she does anything beneficial."

"She was cursed to prick her finger!" he reasoned.

"I don't care," I went on. "She was still stupid. There was no message or anything either."

"Okay but that doesn't me-"

"Shush, Tobi!" Miwa elbowed him on the head. He rubbed his head.

"Serves you right." I smiled.


I love when people play with my hair. Nami told us dinner would be ready in five minutes. The three of us stood up to help set the table.

"What do you think, Tobi?" Miwa asked with big eyes.

"Think of what?" he asked.

"Their hair! Don't they look beautiful?" she beamed. I'm not letting him answer that.


"Aw, Miwa! That was so sweet!" I cut him off. "Your skills have gotten so much better! I'm proud!"

"Thank you for teaching me!" she smiled.

We went to the kitchen to begin setting the table. I grabbed utensils and turned to see Tobio helping his little sister. "Be careful with these bowls, okay?" he said.

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