Chapter Six

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~•Kageyama First Person POV•~

I woke up and Y/n was asleep next to me. They kind of looked adorable. They were curled into a ball and had a (favorite color) blanket tucked all around their body. While looking at
Y/n, their words from earlier came back to me.

I want to tell you so badly, but I can't do it today. Not today. Any day but today. Please.

Did I cause that? After I nudged them, they just paused. I feel horrible. I should apologize, but how would I even do that? I just wish I already knew. It would make this so much easier. I always knew there was more behind L/n's words. Everything did technically line up, but it just seemed as if there were missing pieces. The whole truth has never been there.

I thought a lot about what could possibly be going on in their life. I have seen their parents one time. I find myself thinking back on that event that occurred five years ago.

I remember I was walking to the park when I noticed a man and a woman leaving a house in a hurry. I then saw an older man chasing after them.

"You can't just leave like this!" the old man shouted. "This is your child! Treat them like it!" I couldn't hear their response to him. I slowly approached the three adults. "How could you do this to them?" The two adults said something. "Please don't do this. They're just a kid. They need their parents."

The car then drove away. Then I saw the man sprint back into the house.

Ironically, Y/n didn't come to school that week.

When they finally came back, they didn't talk about their absence. They just came back like everything was normal. I had to ask them why they missed a whole week of school myself.

"Oh, I bumped my head and got a concussion," they answered.


I didn't learn until years later that that was
Y/n's parents leaving their house; that their parents were how they actually got that concussion. It took another year to learn that that old man was Old Coach Ukai. It took a few more months to learn that that was the first time both Y/n and I had ever seen their parents. It didn't take years, however, to figure out that they were never coming back.

I wonder if Y/n even knows what happened after their parents left that day. Am I supposed to tell them?

I saw them move in their sleep a bit. Their locket was revealed. Who even gave that to them? They just started wearing it daily last year.

What they said about Coach Ukai last night also popped into my head. "I've known him for around seven years." Maybe I should talk to him? He has to know something, right? Maybe I'll talk to him after practice one day.

I laid down and continued to study their features. I couldn't take my eyes off them. Just what has happened to you all these years?

Then a thought hit me. They were . . . Going through things everyday and I wasn't there for them. They never told me anything about their family. I was always so mean to them, but they stayed with me. Why? Why would they stick around someone like me?

I just need to sleep it off or I'm gonna spiral, and that won't help anything.

~•Y/n First Person POV•~

I woke up and check the time: 7:02 pm. I need to get up now or I'm not going to be able to fall asleep tonight. I looked over and saw that Kageyama was still asleep. He's probably not going to be able to sleep tonight either. I began to shake him awake and he groaned in response. I flicked his forehead and shouted, "wake up!"

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