Chapter Three

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~•Y/n First Person POV•~

"He is always late," I said aloud, as I clicked my pen. "I really shouldn't be surprised by him."

I stood up from off the ground and looked at the time. Though it's technically not time for him to be here yet, he only has five minutes until he's considered late, and I know that there is no way he's gonna make it on time. I sighed and threw on a jacket and a pair of shoes. I knew exactly where he was; the same place as last time he was late to our study session.

I began my walk to Karasuno's school gym.

Today is the one day I really need him. This day, every year, is really hard for me to get though. That was years ago. I'm being stupid. I sighed and just continued walking. It doesn't matter, I need to see him today.

~•Kageyama's First Person POV•~

Hinata and I have been practicing by ourselves for twenty minutes. It couldn't have been more than that. Daichi and Suga then opened the gym doors and poked their heads inside.

"Alright, pack it up you two," Daichi said.

"Why?" Hinata whined.

"Because we need to leave for the boys basketball practice," Suga answered.

"Why did they schedule their practice so close to ours?" I asked in an annoyed voice.

"They didn't, we just practiced a lot later than we anticipated," Suga chuckled.

"Oh, okay," I said. "Wait! What time is it?"

"It's one," Daichi replied.

"Are you serious?" My eyes widened.

"Serious about the time? Yes, Kageyama, I am very serious," Daichi replied.

"It's actually 1:03 to be exact," Suga added.

"Shit! Hinata, we need to go." I started picking up all the volleyballs off the floor.

"Does Kageyama have plans?" Hinata asked suggestively.

I just ignored him and continued to clean up the gym. They're not gonna be happy with me.

~•Y/n First Person POV•~

I saw a brown haired male and a silver haired male looking into the gym.

"Uh, excuse me?" I spoke out. They jumped, unaware of me creeping behind them. "Hi, I'm sorry to bother you guys."

"Not a problem. What's up?" the silver haired male said.

"I was just wondering if Tobio is in there?"

"Kageyama? You're looking for Kageyama?" the one with brown hair questioned. I nodded. "Oh. Well, yeah. He's-"

"Now tell me why someone as beautiful as you would be looking for someone like Kageyama?" a bald male walked up from the right. There was another guy next to him and he had brown hair with singular a blonde streak.

"I'm sorry?" I responded.

"It's nothing against you, believe me," he went on, "I've just never seen Kageyama talk to anyone that didn't play volleyball."

"Yeah! Kageyama doesn't even talk to Kiyoko!" his friend said loudly.

"Right. No, yeah, he is just a straight player outside of volleyball," I joked. "Anybody in sight just falls for his magical charms. I have to admit, it's working on me. You are actually speaking to the president of the 'we love Tobio Kageyama' fan club."

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