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~•Y/n First Person POV•~

It's been years since that took place.

Right now, I'm preparing for my last set of finals. After this, I will never have to take another test like this again. By this point, my degree in writing is almost secured. I was sitting on the floor of our apartment, studying as Kageyama lay in our bed, tossing up a volleyball. He soon stopped tossing the volleyball and joined me on the floor.

"You're still studying?" he sighed.

"Yes. Not everyone can be a professional volleyball player like you," I teased.

"Well, not everyone is going to be a professional writer like you are some day," he rebutted. I raised my eyebrows. "Yeah," he went on, "you're going to release all of these awesome books and you're going to be good- no, great at it."

"Thank you." I hugged him. "That was really sweet. But do you know how I'm going to get there?" He tilted his head in response. "By studying and passing these finals."

"Just for a little bit, please. Take a break," Kageyama begged.

I sighed and put my pencil down. "Fine."

He smiled and jumped up at once. He held out his hands for me to grab and hoisted me up. We grabbed our jackets, put our shoes on, and left for the park. It was hard for me to say no to him, especially since he was so busy all the time. I thought it was hard to schedule things with him in high school because of volleyball practice, but now it seemed nearly impossible at times. In the beginning, this was hard for me to accept; I just wanted to spend all my time with him. But I understand that this is what he wants and it makes him happy. That's all I want.

Me being in college doesn't help our schedules either. I am always swamped with schoolwork. I can't tell you the last time I didn't have some assignment due. But it's all right because I keep on top of it, so it's not too bad. I've also gotten a few internships! Remember when Tanaka, Noya, and I broke into that barely built office building? I've had to go there every now and then for my internship. I have to admit, Tanaka was right: it did turn out to be pretty big. I got lost on my first day and was almost late because of it. Being there reminded me of our conversation under the stars, which sent me down memory lane. I called them about it and they were so happy for me.

My family situation has improved as well. I've moved forward and have allowed myself to grow from the experience. Though my relationship with my father has barely improved, we don't have any animosity between us anymore. We know where we stand in each other's lives (basically on the outskirts).

Kageyama and I both able to pay for our apartment together. Unfortunately, I am no longer working the register at Ukai's store (it's a bit too far of a commute everyday — I don't have the time for it), but it is all right because we are still in touch. We are still close as ever and talk almost everyday. I update him on how me and Kageyama are doing and he tells me about his life. It's amazing.

I remember when Kageyama and I were planning for the future and he threw out the idea for us to get an apartment together. We were a few months away from graduating high school.

"I have an idea," spoke Kageyama.

"Do tell," I replied.

"What if we got an apartment together?" he offered. "We could split rent and find a place in between where you are going to college and where I will be practicing." 

"You know, Tobio, that's actually not a bad idea," I complimented. "I've been thinking about moving for a while now."

"What? You wanted to move and not tell me?" he panicked.

"It's not like that at all," I assured him. "I just don't want to stay in that house forever, you know?"

"I know." He nodded.

Who knew that a few months later we'd actually make it work? It's still blows my mind every time I think about it. I mean, we were just kids when we met and now look at us: we're together, both in the works of making our dreams come true, in a home we love. It's unreal, but I am so incredibly thankful for how far we've both come.

"I love you." I didn't know I said that out loud as we were making our way to the park.

"I love you, t-" he paused. "Did you just say it first?" We both stopped walking and he turned to me.

I guess we're still growing.

"It's not like it's the first time. I've said it first many time before," I muttered.

"Well, yeah, but it's not often so it catches me by surprise," he explained.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. We've been together for years, I know you love me. You just express it in different ways," he said. I kept quiet as he nudged me. He then sighed and wrapped an arm around me. "You don't need to stress about it. I love you, okay?"

I looked up at his face. A smile crept onto my lips. He kissed me and we continued walking. "I love you, too."

We got to the park and found that the volleyball net was free. I helped toss to him so he could practice his sets. He became less strict when practicing with me. I guess it's because he's so used to playing all the time that it's nice to be able to just have fun and let loose. After practice some sets, went onto practicing his serves. I placed the water bottle down for him to aim. He took a deep breath and began to focus on the ball.

The ball went up, I blinked, and it flew past me. Younger me thought it was impossible for him to get better at serves. The first time I saw him I was amazed by his skill. The feeling of déjà vu flooded my mind.

If only I had known what I was getting myself into when I approached him that day. Our paths crossed, forever intertwining our fates with one another's. After all these years, he's still here. After all these years, he and I figuring our lives out. After all these years, he still means the absolute most to me.

After all these years, it's still he and I, together.

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