Chapter 11

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Excuse any mistakes!

Sincerè Wright

That morning we spent roaming Malibu. We went out to eat and chilled.

It was currently 8:45 PM and it was almost time for my first show. I was only allowed a few hours to practice and get to feel the stage out before people arrived.

I was backstage with Deontaè as a girl did my makeup and another women did my hair.

There was a slight knock at the door before it cracked open. "Mrs. Wright, your on stage in five!" The festivals manager yelled, shutting the door behind him.

I would be performing at a local festival, there were thousands of people. I was just blessed to have so many people looking forward to my performance.

Twenty thousand to be exact, of course it was small compared to big scale celebrities but I more than happy with just the few thousand that came tonight.

"Alright babes, your all done, we'll be cheering you on." The hairstylist smiled before her and the makeup artist left the room.

Now it was only me Deontaè. I looked in the mirror, I was a bit nervous.

Deontaè walked up behind me, wrapping his hands around my waist, looking at me in the mirror.

"What's wrong?" He kissed my neck.

"I'm nervous, what if they hate it-" He slightly bit on my neck.

"Don't say no dumb shit like that."

"I seen a lot of hate comments-" Again I was cut off.

"Who gives a fuck about what those wannabes think? You out here following yo dreams and what they doing? Typing behind a screen, sitting on they ass doing nothin."

"I don't know I'm feeling a ton of things at once."

"That's normal, you got this mama's, I'm gone be right on the side the whole time." He turned me around and kissed me, pulling my bottom lip as he pulled back.

He looked me up and down, biting his lip.

"Look at how good you look.. There's always gone be haters, trust me I know. You gone kill it. You hear me?" He asked.

I nodded as he stale faced me. "I can't hear you?" He said.

"Yes." I answered.

"Yes what?" He cupped his hand behind his ear like he couldn't hear me.

"I'm going to go on stage and kill it." I smiled as he hyped me up.

"Mhm now take yo fine ass on stage before I change my mind." He gave my ass a little pat as I walked out first.

The festivals host showed me the way to the stage. There was staircase leading up to the huge stage.

For my first show I had admit this was not what I expected but I quickly calmed myself down. I breathed in and out. "I'm going to kill it.."

"Your on, good luck." The host handed me a mic as I walked out on stage.

My band for the night started off as I made my way to the middle of the stage. I sat on the chair and picked the guitar.

I only knew how to play slightly so I added it to the performance to add something different.

I looked to the side to see Deontaè smiling.

I turned to the crowd seeing as thry got silent as the base picked up.

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