Chapter 12

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Excuse any mistakes!

Disclaimer: The jokes in this chapter is not meant to offend anyone!

Sincerè Wright

"Sincerè?" Deontaè asked for the millionth time.

"It's the guy from IKEA-" I was cut off by Deontaè who ended up pulling me back towards the group.

"Which one of these niggas is it Sincerè?"

"The one with the stars on his upper chest, below his collarbone." I tried my best to describe him out of the thousands of men that littered the beach.

"Be more specific Sincerè." He began to get impatient.

"He has no shirt on, he has a red hat." Was all I could say, the guy gave me a little smile before turning and walking away.

"He's getting away!" I yelled as the man began to run.

"Red hat." Was all Deontaè had to say before the boys jumped up and began chasing the first nigga they seen with a red hat.

There were only two people in sight with red hats on so they split up.

"Go back to the truck." Deontaè made sure me and the girls got to the parking lot before making his way to the guys.

"You good?" Zoey looked over at me as we sat in the back seats.

"I'm fine."

"You sure?" Ariana looked me in the eyes.


"Everything's going to be okay, Deontaè won't let him get away." Zoey tried to make me feel better.

It's not like I felt scared because woth Deontaè I always felt safe. I guess I'm still in a state of shock, why would he show his face?

If Riley wanted to protect his identity so bad why would he do something dumb like this? Is Riley here too? I let my thoughts consume me for a while.

We had to be in the truck for a good fifteen minutes before the doors quickly opened.

"Take him to one of the warehouses, we bout' to pull up im a few." Deontaè rushed out as he climbed into the drivers seat while he held his phone up to his ear.

His white shirt was bloodied and he looked like his nose was leaking blood. "Deontaè you shouldn't be driving-" I was cut off.

"Not now, damn." He warned. I was taken aback because whu was he so aggressive? I didn't do shit to him.

"Aye, watch out." Kory and Hakeem gripped their sides with their shits that was now wrapped around their waist.

"What happened!?" Ariana yelled as Deontaè speed off.

"That pussy nigga had a knife, he had about eight different niggas try to corner us." Kory rushed out.

"We need to go to the hospital!" Ariana watched as blood dripped down the seats.

"Relax ma, I'm chillin." Hakeem said without a care in the world.

"Hakeem, you was just stabbed, all of y'all need to see a doctor." I pleaded. It scared me seeing the amount of blood.

Hakeem laughed.

"I told you they crazy as fuck." Jazmine mumbled. I glared at her as she sat back in the third row, looking out the window.

"This not my first time getting stabbed, this ain't nothin." Hakeem shrugged as he applied pressure to the stab wound.

"Kory-" Zoey tried to get him to back us up but he shook his head.

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