Chapter 30

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Excuse any mistakes!

We hit 2k! I'm so excited because I finally feel like writing after going ghost for a few days.

Don't forget to leave comments, show me some love  😁💛

Sinceré Wright

1 Month Later

"Are yall bitches ready!?" I yelled.

"Yeah lets go friend!?" Jazmine yelled.

We were at my house and they were downstairs. I didn't feel like walking all the way down there.

"Okay, I'll be down in a second!"

I walked into our room to see baby Noelle and Nizear on thier stomachs. They were having tummy time while Deontaé did his pushups.

This nigga was on beast mode. Working out every chance he got. His slinky ass was gaining some muscle.

"Everybody is ready, lets go." I told him.

He got up and headed into the bathroom to shower.

"You should've did all that before it was time to go." I sighed while getting on the floor with the twins.

"Look at my fat babies.." I spoke softly while watching them try to look around at everything.

" I spoke softly while watching them try to look around at everything

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Noelle was more interested in me. Her eyes stayed on me for the longest, then out of nowhere she gave me a big smile.

"Mommy's fat baby is so pretty.." I wiped the slob falling from her mouth with her bib.

"Come on, lets put yall in the car seat." I spoke as if they could actually respond.

I slipped them onto a new pair of clothes then strapped them both in their car seats.

I slipped them onto a new pair of clothes then strapped them both in their car seats

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Nizear had a head full of hair just like his dad. I didn't want to mess with his natural hair so I left it alone. All I did was add olive oil and comb or brush it out every night before going to bed.

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