Chapter 27

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Excuse any mistakes!

I'm just in a good ass mood today, we hit 1k reads! I'm so thankful, thank you to those who truly support me, continue to vote/comment share 💛😜💛

Sinceré Wright

"I'm sorry that you had to go through what you went through but the babies are completely fine." The nurse said.

They took the twins for a quick check-up, I made sure they didn't leave the room. They did everything in the same room as me.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of them, they were so calm and quiet.

Their eyes opened every once in a whole but for the most part they kept their eyes closed.

I drifted off to sleep before I knew it.

4 Days Later

Since I gave birth so early on they wanted to make sure me and the babies were fine.

I was lucky enough to have a black doctor, she made sure I was comfortable and she kept a good eye on me.

Everyone knew I had the babies but Deontaè didn't want anybody around them. He was being dramatic but I enjoyed the time we spent together these past 4 days.

He explained everything to me, turns out my brothers and his father and grandfather set everything up. They had the doctor tell us both that we were dead.

At first it was his father's and grandfather's idea but they got the twins on board to help. Apparently they wanted to get Deontaè back on track. They thought he was distracted by me.

Last time I check Deontaè wanted out. After Deontaè "killed" Riley then they would eventually tell him the truth but clearly it didn't work out that way.

I sat up while Deontaè got the babies ready to go while I talked to Destiny on the phone.

"When do you get out?" I held the phone up to my ear.

"Tomorrow, now that Deontaè is back I think it's time for me to get my own place."

"Are you sure, you know I don't mind helping you out."

"I'm positive, Zay is moving out here so I'll crash at his place until I get my money up." She explained.

"Okay but what about when you get out tomorrow, where will you go?"

"I haven't thought about that.. I'll stay at a hotel-"

"Destiny you can stay with us until Zay come back to Atlanta. You already know wassup."

She sucked her teeth. "Okay."

We talked a little bit more until we both hung up.

"Your dad is calling again." I said as Deontaè walked back over to me with baby Nizear and baby Noelle in his arms.

We were lucky that they were able tl go home. My doctor told me for them to be born three months early they were at a healthy weight.

Deontaè had to leave me at the hospital a few times to get shit that the babies needed. I pushed off finding out the gender that I ain't have shit prepared.

Noelle was 6 lbs and 4 ounces. Nizear was 6 1/2 lbs and 6 ounces.

"I'm not answering." He shook his head.

"That's still your dad-"

"Would you forgive your pops straight away if he lied to you about my death?"

I shook my head. "Right so let me have my space, I don't want to talk to none of them." He said.

I could understand where he was coming from. I haven't talked to the twins in days too, what they did was not right.

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