Chapter 17

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Excuse any mistakes!

Deontaè Black

Today was the day, Sincerè would meet the fam for the first time.

I flew my family out here yesterday just for this occasion. My niece would be turning three, after all the shit with my sister went down my mother moved to New York for a fresh start.

Now they're back in Atlanta.

I could tell sometimes Sincerè wanted to bring up the whole Riley situation but that shit was being dealt with.

I had a hit on her head, as soon as she comes out of hiding she done for.

"I should change, maybe this is showing to much skin-" Sincerè rushed around the room, digging in the closet looking for the perfect outfit.

"Mama's you look good, you don't need to change for shit." She stood in front of me and sighed.

"I want them to like me."

"They will, my family us down to earth, they cool peoples." I pulled her waist towards me.

She smiled showing off her deep dimples. "Why you talkin as if they one of your homeboys?"

"That's just how I talk now hurry yo ass up, I have to stop and get them from the hotel." I smacked her ass causing her to turn around punch my arm.

"Why you do it so hard!"

"I ain't even smack it that hard."

"You wouldn't know that dummy."

"Watch how you talk to me." I mugged her as she just rolled her eyes and walked away.


I pulled up to the hotel, I rented a house we would be staying at while the fam was out here. Can't have them staying in a hotel for the few days they would be here.

Sincerè got out the passenger seat.

"What you doin?"

My family walked out. I didn't even have to look to know it was them.

They were the only loud one's ont he street. All you heard was laughing and yelling, I swear they had some big ass mouths.

"Your mother should sit up front." Sincerè shrugged.

"Nah she good."

"It's a respect thing but you wouldn't know about that."

"Thank you."

She scrunched her face up. "That wasn't a compliment.."

"My baby!" I looked and saw my mother walking over to my side. Opening the door she pulled me out the car, catching me off guard.

"Ma..okay.." I lightly patted her back.

"Boy shut up and give mama some shugga!?" She pointed to her cheek causing me to frown.


"Quit acting like you foreign to this shit. You always give me kisses, don't act different now." She forcefully pulled me down to her level and pushed my face up to her cheek.

"There you go. Mama's baby has gotten so big.. Oh wow." She looked me up and down.

I sucked my teeth and put my hands in my pocket. She was acting a whole fool, the hell she acting like she ain't just visit a few weeks ago.

I'm a grown ass man, she need to stop treating me like a baby.

"Oh my god! Your so pretty!?" She walked over to Sincerè and immediately bombarded her with compliments.

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