Part 2

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**Gulf's POV**

I always forget how comfy Mew is, as i lay in his lap with his arms wrapped around me, i can feel myself start to doze off. You always feel the most comfortable in the arms of the ones you love. If only he loved me the same way i love him.

Slowly coming back to consciousness, i can feel Mew pulling me up into his arms. I don't want this to end. I wish he could carry me forever. I'm afraid that if I move he will put me down though, so I'm just going to let him bring me to bed. Might as well get some sleep anyways. Being sick sucks.

As he lays me down on my bed, it takes all my will power to not latch onto him and pull him under my covers into a cuddle. MUST STAY STILL.

At that moment, my shirt rides up a little bit and my cheeks start to flush from embarrassment. Come on Gulf get a grip, i think to myself. STAY CALM. Then the unexpected happened. Mew kisses my stomach, Gahhhhh he's kissing my stomach.

It took everything in me to not run my fingers into his hair and pull him into a kiss. Must stay still.


What does this mean?

It probably doesn't mean anything, he only sees me as a brother. Nothing more. Just a brother. My breathing catches in my throat when i feel his hands grazing up my stomach to my heart. Pleaseee. Do. Not. Notice.

I can hear his breathing becoming rhythmized and i slowly open one eye to catch a peak at his face. He is so handsome. Once i see that his eyes are completely closed shut, i open both my eyes and just stare at the calm and breathtaking man before me.

Pleaseee, do not let this moment end. Maybe he actually does like me back.


His fingers graze my waist line for my sweats and i can feel my dick twitch just from thinking about his hand being so close to me.

As he hooks his finger into the rim of my sweats and starts to pull down i start to wonder how far he is willing to go because it crosses my mind that he believes im asleep right now.

Just before i decide to say something, his hand stops mid movement and his eyes pop open. I stare at him in horror and confusion. What was he doing?

Before i could really process what was going on, Mew basically leapt from the bed, mumbled something that sounded like "I'm sorry" and then rushed out the room.

My breathing slowly goes back to normal.


That's when i remember that i currently have a situation going on downstairs in my pants. I swear my dick has a mind of its own. As i sigh loudly, i crawl off the bed and head for the shower, Peeling off my sweats and underwear before getting there.

Once i step in the shower i pull my shirt over my head and throw it onto the sink. Feeling slightly ashamed as i stare at the very hard and slightly leaking dick attached to me.

I close my eyes and lean against the shower wall. What am i going to do? Maybe he was only doing that to me because he was curious but doesn't actually like me. That would explain why he stopped, i probably disgusted him with my body since I'm not a woman.

Looking down at my dick, i curse myself silently and softly grab the shaft of my dick. Running my thumb over the tip showing show much precum is leaking from it. Just the thought of Mew touching me makes my dick twitch more in my hand. Damn, if only i could borrow his sexy veiny hands for this.

Feeling disappointed about being jacked off by myself and not by Mew, my dick slowly starts to soften. I crumble to the floor of the shower and put my head against my curled up legs as the water washes over my body. As i start to cry, i begin to feel really ashamed of myself. Why isn't us being just friends enough for me?

After my mood starts to lighten up and i feel like i can actually compose myself again, i pick myself up and leave the bathroom while drying my body and hair, throwing on a very oversized t-shirt and some boxers. I need to fix this. We need to be okay. We need to be.

Creeping into the hallway was kind of scary since all the lights were off. Why did I choose to not put any nightlights in the hallways. I reach Mews bedroom and reach out my hand to knock. After knocking three times without any answer, I turn the door knob and poke my head through the door looking in.

Mew was peacefully resting on the side couch, with his chest moving up and down in a rhythmic fashion. As i walk into the room, close the door and approach Mew on the couch, it dawns on me that Mew is staying here for a week. I need to be good.

Reaching the side couch was a much harder task then i expected because my floors are so damn squeaky. I need to remind myself to fix that later. As i slowly reach out to move a hair from Mews face, I decide to stop and rethink my actions.

Turning around to leave was such a difficult task to do. On the way to the door i spot his open suitcase laying on the floor. Ooooo. Crouching down to take a better look, i can see a few pairs of clothing and lots of books. I grab a pair of boxers and the largest looking T-shirt in there. Hurriedly I run back to my own room as soon as i step outside Mews bedroom door.

Slowly trying to breath at a normal pace was difficult but i was happy. I got some of his clothes. Bringing them up to my face to smell. " mmmm, they smell like him too." I whisper.

As I'm smiling like an idiot my stomach starts to growl. Hmmm maybe i should go grab something to eat. 

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