Part 6

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**Gulfs POV**

As I lay in my bed thinking about all of the events that just happened. With this I can feel a small grin start to form on my face.

Then I hear the doorbell ring...

Who could that be? Feeling slightly confused but also curious I crawl out of bed and start to head down stairs when I hear Mew angerly say " What are you doing here, leave before Gulf figures out you're here. You're not welcome in this house."

Oh nooo, Pleaseee don't be that guy.

I never want to see him again. Even if my dumbass did make a promise with him before we broke up, but please don't be who I think it is. Otherwise Mew wouldn't be so mad.

As I start to round the corner of my hallway to the front door. I silently chant to myself. "Anyone but Bright. Please anyone but Bright."

As my eyes lock onto who is at the front door my stomach drops. Fuck.

Trying to avoid eye contact with Mew at all costs, I silently walk past him to get into his way so he doesn't do any serious harm to Bright.

Gulf: With a slight tint of guilt in my voice. "Mew, can you please stay inside, I will handle this and explain later." Trying to hint to him with my eyes that I want him to just listen to me without fighting back. I got no such luck.

Mew: Looking completely dumb founded "but Gulf, its Bright, He doesn't deserve a minute of your time. Not even a second of your time to be exact. Please don't listen to a word he has to say."

Gulf: feeling kind of guilty. "Please don't fight me on this. Just give me some time. Remember what we talked about earlier, I meant what I said."

Mew: "But..."

Gulf: "Please."

Mew: Looking a little angry. "Whatever you want Gulf, I don't even care. I will be waiting inside. If he steps one foot into the house, I will throw a book at his head."

As I try really hard not to smile, I begin to feel relieved that he agreed to give us a few minutes. I just confessed that I liked him, I don't want him to know about my deal with Bright. I don't want him to look at me differently. Slowly nodding my head, I lightly grab Bright's arm and tug him toward the parking lot and look back at Mew.

Gulf: "Thank you Mew, I will be back in a second. By the way, I would still love to eat breakfast with you."

I turn back around without another word and drag Bright with me until I feel him starting to get impatient. Slightly being rough, I push him In front of me next to his car.

Gulf: Trying to stay calm. "What do you want Bright, we had a deal."

Bright: "What did you mean earlier when you said that you meant what you said this morning, what were you guys talking about?"

Gulf: Completely ignoring the question. "Bright, answer the question."

Bright: "Okay, okay. I just wanted to say that I found it Gulf. I found it after all these months."

Gulf: Slowly starting to feel panicked. Please no. " You f-found what?"

Bright: "The evidence I needed to prove that I didn't cheat on you Gulf, I told you. I told you I would never cheat. Since I did my part, you have to keep your word Gulf. Your my boyfriend again, you can't go against your word." He says giddily.

Gulf: Shit, I need to fix this quick. "Bright, I.."

Bright: " I know what you're going to say Gulf, but you promised me. You said that if I could prove that I didn't cheat then you would get back together with me. We can be happy again like before, you'll see."

In the middle of me trying to gather what the fuck just happened, he leans in and lightly kisses my cheek and then turns to leave.

Gulf: feeling panicked. "Wait Bright.."

Bright: "I can't stay Gulf, I am really busy today, I've got to go but I will pick you up tomorrow so be ready by 8am. No excuses. See you then. Bye"

With a wave, I watch Bright walk away with a look of pride on his face.

What the fuck just happened.

After he gets in his car and disappears past the yard gate, that's when I remember Mew. Shit I just confessed my feelings to Mew. 

What do I do!

I no longer love Bright. I haven't for a while now. But if it is true and he never cheated on me, then that means I broke up with him for no reason. How do I fix this.

Angerly walking into the kitchen with my thoughts, I see Mew cooking breakfast and without thinking I walk behind him and engulf him in a big behind hug. I love you so much. If only I had the courage to say it out loud. Mew slightly jumps in my arms and turns his head.

Mew: "Gulf, your back. What did that bastard want?"

Quickly trying to come up with a scenario in my head. Come on think Gulf. "Umm..."

Mew: Quietly "He wants to win you back doesn't he."

Gulf: SHIT. "NO. No that's not it..., he was just warning me about how he was going to audition for a few films and told me that I shouldn't audition if I don't want to accidently be casted as a lead role with him." Yesss, good one Gulf, I silently high five myself.

Moving my hands to his sides and slightly under his shirt, i smile to myself. pressing my cool fingers against his skin and leaning forward kissing his neck. 

God he is perfect.

Mew: Kind of getting distracted "Oh okay..., are you sure?"

Gulf: Kissing his cheek and whispering in his ear. "Yes, Ever since this morning I have been yours.

Noticing that the food is burning. I Quickly try to rush around the kitchen to put out the fire. Whelp, so much for the romantic breakfast timing. I grab his arms and pull him into me until my fingers are running through his hair and my lips are firmly pressed against his.

Pleaseee take the subject change bait. Just kiss me back.

Within seconds Mews rough hands get tangled in my hair and his lips roughly smash against mine as he moves his hands down under my butt and starts too gently push up. Catching the hint, I lightly hop into his arms as he carries me while embraced in a passionate lip lock. Mew walks us over to my guest room that's on the first floor and lightly throws me onto the bed.

Mew: "You are mine and I am going to prove it tonight."

With that Mew, pulls off my shirt and starts to pull off my bottoms with my underwear. Fuck...

Bright I am sorry... but I don't love you anymore...

Gulf: Happily excepting my choice, I pull Mews face to mine and whisper. "Tonight I will be your wife."

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