Part 12

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I woke up to an empty bed and a small wave of panic hit me. Where is Mew? Is he actually not okay and still mad at me? What am I going to do?

Right then, Mew walks into the bedroom carrying a tray with a heaping plate of pancakes, eggs, bacon and sausage.

Mew: Smiling from ear to ear "Good morning sleepy head, I made you breakfast, I hope you're hungry. "He takes a better look at my face and begins to chuckle. "What's with that face huh? You look so worried, I promise I didn't poison the food. I just woke up kind of early and figured you would be hungry after last night."

Gulf: I breath out and begin to smile when the smell finally hits my nose. "God, that smells amazing." I nervously blush. "When I woke up you were gone so I was worried that you were still mad at me and left..."

I look down at my hands and rub my fingers together as Mew sets down the tray on the side table and comes over to pull me into a hug.

Mew: He kisses the side of my face. "Gulf look at me." He nudges my face with his fingers to look at him. "I forgave you okay, it's all in the past as long as you never do that again."

I nod and lay my head against his chest, listening to his heart beat. He always knew how to calm me down.

Mew: he rubs my thigh and readjusts. "Come on let's eat, it's getting cold."

Mew gets off the bed for a second to grab the tray and set it down in front of me cutting up the pancakes for me into smaller bits. He holds the fork up to me and looks at me knowingly. I laugh and give in eating the piece of pancake. Mmmm. It's so yummy...

I do a little bounce in my spot and dig into the mini feast the Mew made for me. I look up at him will a stuffed face and try to tell him that I love him with my eyes because he is too damn perfect. Once I finished my food, Mew grabs my hand and brings me to the closet rummaging around for a bit before pulling our old couple T-rex onesie that we wore to a fan meeting last year.

Gulf: I stare at him in shock. "I hope you don't expect me to wear that. It's so embarrassinggg."

Mew: He chuckles at my reaction and pulls it off the hanger, starting to pull one side up my leg and then the other leg. "I think you'd do just about anything for me right now so don't push your luck." He chuckles and pulls one arm in at a time and then zips It all the way up. "Seee your fucking adorable."

Gulf: Feeling mega embarrassed. "Heyyy that's not fair, you're not wearing one."

He pulls the other one out from the closet and wiggles his eyebrows at me before slipping into his T-rex onesie and then pulls me Infront of the full sized mirror on my wall to check out our ridiculous getups. Mew rests his arm against my shoulder and then pulls out his phone and takes a picture of me pouting at him as he makes the kissy face at me.

Gulf: "heyyy, what are you doing with that?"

I slightly tug on his arm to look at his phone. He's uploading it to his Instagram profile with the caption. * Its official, I will love him forever no matter what *

Gulf: Feeling my face turn 3 shades redder. "Mewwww, don't post that."

Mew: Smiling. "Come on Gulf its cute, plus I kind of want everyone to know that were official. I don't need anyone else trying to steal you from me."

Gulf: softly pouting. "Finee, I guess I should add it to my feed too." I leave the closet with Mew following me to go grab my phone. "Can you send it to me?"

Mew: "Yea, give me one sec."

My phone dings and I open the picture that Mew sent me. Okay this is actually really adorable but I will never actually admit that to him. I log into Instagram and get ready to post the same picture but with the caption. * I will love this jerk forever, even if I die of embarrassment * and POST.

Mew: He looks at me with a fake hurt look on his face and chuckles. "Heyyy, that's not very nice."

I look him dead in the eye and stick out my tongue like a little kid, then I turn on my heels and shake my stupid T-rex tail at him and start to laugh.

Gulf: "That's what you get babe."

At that I see a gleam in Mew's eyes and I begin to grin. I know what that means, but I am not going to make it easy for him. As he starts to head for me, I bolt out the door and race down the stairs towards the home theater with Mew hot on my heels. Shit he's quicker than I thought. Right when I reach the love seat across from the projector Mew crashes into me and sprawls on top of me on the couch. Crap he caught me.

Mew: Presses a small kiss against my cheek. "Hehehe, I caught you."

Gulf: I grin up at him and loop my arms around his neck pulling him into a kiss. " I love you."

Mew: He leans down and softly sucks on my lower lip. "I love you more."

Not being able to say anything else. Mew devours my lips and slowly parts my lips with his tongue. I softly moan into his mouth and push up with my body to feel his against mine. Stupid T-rex cock blocking onesies. I reach up to unbutton his onesie but as soon as my hand reached the zipper, Mew gently grabs my hand and rests it above my head.

Mew: under his breath. "I really do want to watch a movie Gulf, I just needed to kiss you after you were being so fucking cute." He lifts his body off of mine and sits down next to me. "Go choose a movie, I'm less picky then you are."

With a small grin I get up and walk over to my movie collection trying to find something that would fit the vibes of our onesies. Then I see the minions movie in the corner and grab it. Without letting Mew see my selection I put it into the projector and go back to the love seat to curl up against Mew. I rest my head in his lap and dangle my legs over the edge.

As soon as the movie starts, Mew begins to rub my head until the title pops up.

Mew: His hand stops and he looks down at me in mock annoyance. "Really, this movie again Gulf. You have a problem."

He chuckles and looks back at the screen. His hands move back to my head and as he runs his hands through my hair, I sneakily look at his handsome face. I can't believe this man is mine.

Thank you for forgiving me Mew, I don't think I would have been able to forgive myself if you hadn't. I promise I won't ever let anyone else touch me ever again.

I want to be with you for the rest of my life.

I am your good boy.

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